Discrete Location Problems
Benchmarks Library
N items P = {P1 , P2 , . . . , PN } and an infinite set of bins B = {B1, B2 , . . . }. Items presented as a two-dimensional, possibly non-convex polygons. Each polygon is presented as a set of vertices p ∈ Pi with coordinates (xp , yp). The length and width of bins are given and equal to L and W, respectively. We need to pack all items without overlapping while minimizing the number of used bins. The rotations of items by 0◦ , 90◦ , 180◦ and 270◦ angles are allowed. To distinguish solutions with the same number of bins, but with the different percent of the residuals at the last bin, we apply the following objective function.Two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem. We are given a finite set of
where Ui is the utilisation ratio of bin i, N is a number of the used bins. The Ui is defined as
where Sqr (Pi ) is the area of the item Pi if it is packed in the bin i, 0 otherwise. Irregular strip packing problem is in a group of problems which are called as nesting problems. They deal with a lot of applications in textile, sheet metal, leather, glass and other industries. In these cases, we want to cut all pieces and to spend less material.
Information about the data sets
Presented data sets consists of a polygons which are the templates for a car mates production. In this data sets the templates of car mates for trunks and for different parts of the cabin is presented. For example, data set car_mats_5 consist of the trunks mates only, car_mats_9 consist of templates of mats which is located in the middle of back row of the car. The source data is contained in text files car_mats1.txt – car_mats10.txt. Each file contains information about all the polygons of the data set one by one. For each polygon we have the following information. In the line after word PIECE indicates the id of the item. At the next line after word QUANTITY we point out the number of this polygons in data set. At the next line we record the NUMBER OF VERTICES of this polygon. This value will equal the number of lines with the coordinates. Next line VERTICES (X,Y) indicates that next lines will present the coordinates of each point by axis X and by axis Y. After the coordinates of the one item will be the same information about the next item.
Data set | Illustrations | Types of items | Best found values |
Result illustrations |
car_mats_1 | car_mats_data_set_1 | 10 types × 5 | 0.421 | result_set_1 |
car_mats_2 | car_mats_data_set_2 | 10 types × 5 | 0.417 | result_set_2 |
car_mats_3 | car_mats_data_set_3 | 10 types × 5 | 0.414 | result_set_3 |
car_mats_4 | car_mats_data_set_4 | 10 types × 5 | 0.416 | result_set_4 |
car_mats_5 | car_mats_data_set_5 | 25 types × 2 | 0.419 | result_set_5 |
car_mats_6 | car_mats_data_set_6 | 25 types × 2 | 0.427 | result_set_6 |
car_mats_7 | car_mats_data_set_7 | 25 types × 2 | 0.412 | result_set_7 |
car_mats_8 | car_mats_data_set_8 | 25 types × 2 | 0.410 | result_set_8 |
car_mats_9 | car_mats_data_set_9 | 10 types × 5 | 0.415 | result_set_9 |
car_mats_10 | car_mats_data_set_10 | 50 types × 1 | 0.425 | result_set_10 |
All data sets and illustrations data sets car mats.zip
All result illustrations result_illustrations.zip
S. Shperling and Yu. Kochetov.
Randomized greedy strategy with corner filling for the irregular 2D
bin packing problem // MOTOR 2024,
Revised Selected Papers. Communications in
Computer and Information Science. 2024 Vol. 2239 P. 243-256