Plant Location Problem
with large duality gap
Allocation of
local optima
Class Gap -B
We get 8131 local optima with respect to the neighborhood Add-Drop-Swap for 9000 random subsets of the set I . On the diagram every sphere corresponds to a local optimum. The sphere radius is number of local optima which situated not far from the distance 10. The minimal radius is 1, the maximal one is 164, average one is 18. Radius of the sphere for the global optimum is 16. The value of objective function for the global optimum is 42130. We get only two local optima with value of objective function less then 46000. The local optimum which has maximal radius 164 has value of the objective function 54084. It locates at distance 19 from the global optimum. There are 92 local optima with sphere radius more then 100. Maximal mutual distance for all pairs of local optima is 42.
Abscissa axis is Hamming distance to the global optimum.
Axis of ordinates is the value of the objective function.
Instance code is 731.