Discrete Location Problems ballred.gif (861 bytes) Benchmark Library

General Information

To develop computational methods for discrete optimization problems, approve new ideas, and compare different approaches and conceptions, it is useful creating easy available by INTERNET benchmark libraries. If we investigate difficult instances from various points of view, we can better understand NP-hard problems nature and so find effective methods to solve them.

The benchmarks library Discrete Location Problems is created as hypertext information system. There are three main well-known NP-hard location problems:

Every part of the library contains description of mathematical model, review of methods and frameworks of the optimization algorithms. Demo-versions of software (for OS Windows), initial data generators, and different series of benchmarks are presented as well. Every series has specific character.  Moreover, the tables with benchmarks contain exact solution and duality gap, which concern to the computational complexity.

Authors guarantee no viruses in all executable files. Send your questions to Yuri Kochetov: jkochet@math.nsc.ru

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