Main articles

On simple left-symmetric algebras (with U.Umirbaev,V.Zhelyabin),
submitted to J. of Alg.

On simple Lie solvable pre-Lie algebras (with U.Umirbaev,V.Zhelyabin),
Algebra and Logic 61:2 (2022), 230-238.

On nonconstant pre-Lie bimodules over M_2(F),
Sib. Math. J. 63, 2 (2022), 326-335.

Simple right-symmetric (1,1)-superalgebras (with I.P.Shestakov),
Algebra and Logic 60:2 (2021), 108-114.

On the right-symmetric algebras with a unital matrix subalgebra (with I.P.Shestakov),
Siberian Math. J., 62:1 (2021), 138-147.

On endomorphs of right-symmetric algebras,
Sib. Math. J. 61, 5 (2020), 859-866.

On the Cayley-Dickson process for dialgebras,
SEMR. V.16 (2019), 2110-2123.

The universal conservative superalgebra (with I.Kaygorodov and Yu.Popov),
Comm. in algebra 47, 10 (2019) 4066-4076.

Simple finite-dimensional modular noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of degree >1 (with I.P.Shestakov),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223, Issue 6 (2019), 2273-2732.

On a ternary generalization of Jordan algebras (with I.Kaygorodov and P.Saraiva),
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 67, 6 (2019), 1074-1102.

Rota-Baxter operators on quadratic algebras (with P.Benito and V. Gubarev),
Mediterr. J. Math. 15, 5 (2018), 15:189.

Degenerations of Zinbiel and nilpotent Leibniz algebras (with I.Kaygorodov, Yu.Popov, Yu.Volkov),
Linear and Multilinear Alg. 66, 4 (2018), 704-716.

Simple Poisson-Farkas algebras and ternary Filippov algebras,
Sib. Math. J. 58, 6 (2017), 1071-1077.

Poisson and Filippov superalgebras,
Sib. Math. J. 56, 3 (2015), 637-649.

Simple Finite-Dimensional Noncommutative Jordan Superalgebras of Characteristic 0
(with I.P.Shestakov), Sib. Math. J. 54, 2 (2013), 389-406.

On a ternary quaternion algebra (with P.D.Beites, A.P.Nicolas, P.Saraiva),
Comm. in Alg., 39, 3 (2011), 830-842.

Noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of degree n> 2 (with I.P.Shestakov),
DAN (Soviet Mathematics) 81, 2 (2010) and Algebra and Logic 49, 1 (2010).

On structurable superalgebras of Cartan type (with I.P.Shestakov),
DAN (Soviet Mathematics) 81, 3 (2010) and J. of Alg. 323, 12 (2010).

0-Dialgebras with bar-unity, Rota-Baxter and 3-Leibniz algebras,
Contemporary Mathematics AMS,
Proceedings of the Conference on Groups, Rings, and Group Rings,
Edited by: A. Giambruno, C. Polcino Milies, and S. Sehgal, (2009).

0-Dialgebras with bar-unity and nonassociative Rota-Baxter algebras,
Sib. Math. J., 50, 6 (2009).

On simple Filippov superalgebras of type B(0,n) II (with P.Saraiva),
Portugaliae Mathematica, Vol. 66, No. 1 (2009), 115-130.

On simple Filippov superalgebras of type A(n,n) (with P.Beites),
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2008), 469-487.

Dialgebras and related triple systems,
Sib. Math. J. 49, 3 (2008), 870-885.

On simple Filippov superalgebras of type B(m,n),
Algebra and Logic 47, 2 (2008), 240-261.

On derivations of the ternary Malcev algebra M8 (with P.Saraiva),
Comm. in Algebra 34, 10 (2006), 3593-3608.

Root decomposition of the ternary Malcev algebra M8,
Sib. Math. J. 46, 4  (2005), 901-906.

On simple Filippov superalgebras of type B(0,n),
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2, 3 (2003), 335-349.

Solvability of the finite-dimensional commutative n-ary Leibniz algebras of characteristic 0,
Comm. Alg., 2003, 31, 1 (2003), 197-215.

Enveloping algebras of Filippov algebras,
Comm. Alg. 31, 2 (2003), 883-900.

n-Ary Mal'tsev algebras, Algebra Logic 40, 3 (2001), 170-182.

Two classes of central simple n-Lie algebras,
Sib. Math. J. 40, 6 (1999), 1112-1118.

Simple n-Lie algebras,
Algebra and Logic 38, 3 (1999), 181-192.

Monomial n-Lie algebras,
Algebra and Logic 37, 5 (1998), 307-322.

Simple quotient algebras and subalgebras of Jacobians algebras,
Sib. Math. J. 39, 3 (1998), 512-517.