The Nonsmooth Path of Alex M. Rubinov


Alek M. Rubinov border=

Rubinov was born on March 28, 1940 in St. Petersburg. His father was a college teacher and his mother worked in a court of justice. Rubinov graduated from high school in 1957 and was admitted to the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. In 1958 he arranged his transfer to Leningrad State University. He graduated from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics in 1962 and entered into his post graduate study in functional analysis. His supervisor was Gleb Akilov, a student and coauthor of Leonid Kantorovich. In these years Rubinov started his lifelong collaboration with Vladimir Demyanov. They were involved then in application of functional analysis to optimization and numerical methods.

Kantorovich joined the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences which was organized in 1957 and moved to Novosibirsk. Akilov followed his tutor and so did Rubinov. From June of 1964 he was on the staff of the Mathematical–Economic Department headed by Kantorovich, continuing his postgraduate study distantly in Leningrad State University. In May of 1965 he maintained his thesis “Minimization of Convex Functionals on Some Classes of Convex Sets in Banach Spaces” and received the Kandidat Degree.

The “Siberian period” formed the main areas of Rubinov's research. He narrated this in one of his last interviews as follows:

S. Kutateladze

June 21, 2012

A memo for the special session of the International Conference “Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics” in the Euler Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg on June 22, 2012.

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