Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making"

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Nina Kochetova

Phone +7-383-329-75-84


| Sobolev Institute of Mathematics |
| Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making" |


Education and positions:


Research interests:

  • Web-design:






Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DOOR 2016
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DOOR 2013
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DOOR 2010
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DOOR 2007
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Conference DAOR 2004
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DAOR 2002
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference DAOR'2000
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Benchmarks Library 
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Sobolev Institute Library (in russian)
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Sobolev Institute Press (in russian)
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference SCOR-98
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Conference ISMP-98
Blue_ArrowC034.gif (140 bytes) Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making"

Publications  2005–2009 ãã.

  1. I. Davydov, Yu. Kochetov, N. Kochetova, A.Plyasunov. Heuristics for the leader–follower location problems // The 24th Conference of the  European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO XXIV) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May,30-June,2, 2011

  2. Alekseeva, N. Kochetova, Y. Kochetov, A. Plyasunov. Heuristic and Exact Methods for the Discrete (r | p)-Centroid Problem // P. Cowling and P. Merz (Eds.): EvoCOP 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6022, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010. – P. 11–22.

  3. Alekseeva, N. Kochetova, Yu. Kochetov, A. Plyasunov. A hybrid exact method for the discrete (r | p)-centroid problem // III Internationsl Workshop on model-based Metaheuristics (Matheuristics-2010). Austria, Vienna, June 28-30, 2010. P 29-30.

  4. Alekseeva, Yu. Kochetov, N. Kochetova, A. Plyasunov. An improved exact method for the discrete (r, p)-centroid problem // 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, July 11-14, 2010. P. 20

  5. E. Alekseeva, N. Kochetova, Yu. Kochetov, A. Plyasunov. Benchmark library "Discrete Location Problems" // International conference "Optimization and applications" (OTIMA2009) September 21–25, 2009. Petrovac, Montenegro

  6. E. Alekseeva, N. Kochetova, Y. Kochetov, A. Plyasunov. A Hybrid Memetic Algorithm for the Competitive p-Median Problem // Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, Russia, June 3–5, 2009. P. 1516–1520

  7. E. Alekseeva N. Kochetova. Upper and lower bounds for the p-median problem with foresight // Operations Research 2008. Book of Abstracts. P. 230.

  8. E. Alekseeva, N. Kochetova. Upper and lower bounds for the competitive p-median problem // Proceedings of XIV Baikal International School "Optimization methods and their applications" Irkutsk-Severobaikalsk, July, 2-8, 2008. P. 563–569

  9. Yu. Kochetov, N. Kochetova, A. Plyasunov Competitive Location Models // III Russian Conference «Optimization Problems and Applications». Omsk. 2006. P. 105.

  10. E. Alekseeva, Yu. Kochetov, N. Kochetova. Crucial parameters for the uncapacitated facility location problem // Proceedings of XIII Baikal International School "Optimization methods and their applications" Irkutsk-Severobaikalsk, July, 2-8, 2005. P. 407–412


Hobbies: Table tennis, Photographing, Traveling

Update 19.02.18