Sobolev institute of mathematics
The Russian Academy of Sciences,
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Office: +7- (383) -363-45-62
Fax: +7- (383) -333-25-98
Tel: + 7-961-875-18-08
E-mail: dsviridenko47@gmail.com
Sviridenko Dmitry I., professor
Directions of specialization
Applied mathematical logic, semantic modeling, executable task specifications, artificial intelligence, data mining, knowledge graphs, intelligent systems, multi-agent systems, applications.
1990, Doctor of Computer Science (Professor)
Institute of Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)
Doctoral dissertation: "Theory of Semantic Programming".
1978, PhD in Computer Science
Institute of Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)
Dissertation: "Denotational semantics of programming languages".
Counselor prof. N. Belyakin
1973 - Master of Mathematics.
Master's thesis "Relative Computability"
Scientific adviser prof. N. Belyakin
1968 - 1973 Student
Novosibirsk State University (one of the three best universities in the USSR).
1964-1968 Student
Khabarovsk State Medical University.
Secondary school diploma (Khabarovsk) - 1964
English, native Russian.
Artificial intelligence methods and software; methods of machine learning, taxonomy and cluster analysis; methods of ontology, semantic networks and knowledge graphs; methods of graph theory; methods of measurement theory; methods of multivalued statistical analysis; optimization methods; methods of applied mathematical logic; methods of linear algebra; methods of plausible inference.
Professional experience
2019 - present - Advisor to the Director for Innovation,
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk), Directorate of the Institute
2017-2019 Member of the creative temporary team
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk), grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 17-11-01176, "Logical-probabilistic toolkit for artificial intelligence of a new generation"
1989 -1992 Head of laboratory
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk)
Information and Logic Systems Laboratory;
1981 -1989 Senior Researcher
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk)
Applied Logic Laboratory;
1976-1981 Head of the industry laboratory
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk)
Industry laboratory
1973-1976 Research Assistant, Laboratory Assistant
Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk).
1975-present. Professor of the Department of Algebra and Logic, Associate Professor of the Department of General Informatics, Professor of the Department of Discrete Mathematics and Information Novosibirsk State University.
Grants and awards
2017-2019 Russian Science Foundation.
Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, grant No. 17-11-01176, "Logical-probabilistic toolkit for artificial intelligence of a new generation"
Social activity
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEU)
Founder of the NSU Alumni Union “UNION”
Member of the Editorial Board of the Siberian Journal of Industrial Mathematics
Chairman of the Board of the NGO "AI-cluster"
Key articles:
- Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
Theoretical aspects of Σ-programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1986, vol. 215, p. 169–179.
- Goncharov S. S., Ershov Yu. L., Sviridenko D. I.
Semantic programming. In: Proc. IFIP 10-th World Comput. Congress. Dublin. Vol. 10. 1986. pp 1093–1100.
- Goncharov S. S., Ershov Yu. L., Sviridenko D. I.
Semantic foundations of programming, // LNCS. Vol. 278. 1987. pp. 116–122.2.
- Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
Σ-programming // Transl., II.Ser., Am. Math. Soc., 1989, vol. 142, p. 101–121.
- Sviridenko D. I., Sibiryakov V. G.
TRIZ - theory of solving innovative problems: part 1. What is an innovative problem. Siberian financial school. Management and Innovation (2017) No. 4/123, pp. 21-37
- Sviridenko D. I., Sibiryakov V. G.
TRIZ - theory of solving innovative problems: part 2. How to solve innovative problems: development of the concept of innovation. Siberian financial school. Innovation (2017). No. 3/122, pp. 26-35
- Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
Semantic modeling and hybrid models. 2018 Siberian Symposium on Data Science and Engineering (SSDSE). Novosibirsk, Russia.
- Goncharov, S. S. Sviridenko, D. I.
Recursive Terms in Semantic Programming (Article) // Siberian Mathematical Journal. - Volume 59, Issue 6, 1 November 2018, Pages 1014-1023. (Web of Science, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1134/S0037446618060058
- Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
Semantic modeling and artificial intelligence // Siberian Journal of Philosophy. - 2018. - T. 16, No. 4. - S. 5–25.
- Sviridenko D.
Semantic Smart Wallets // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2019, pp. 991-994. (Scopus)
DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON48586.2019.8958372
- Goncharov S., Sviridenko D.
Semantic Modeling and Hybrid Models // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2019, pp. 987-990 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON48586.2019.8958196
- Goncharov S. S. Sviridenko, D. I.
Logical Language of Description of Polynomial Computing (Article) // Doklady Mathematics, Volume 99, Issue 2, 1 March 2019, pp. 121-124. (Web of Science, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1134/S1064562419020030
- Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
Problems of digitalization and semantic modeling. Proceedings of the XII Multiconference on Management Problems, September 23-28, 2019 Divnomorskoe, Gelendzhik, Volume 1, pp. 16-19
- Goncharov S., Ospichev S.,Ponomaryov D., Sviridenko D.
The expressiveness of looping terms in the semantic programming // Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports,Volume 17, 2020, pp. 380-394. (Web of Science, Scopus)
DOI: 10.33048/SEMI.2020.17.024
- Vityaev E. E., Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
A problem-solving approach to artificial intelligence. Siberian Philosophical Journal. 2019.Vol. 17, No. 4. P. 5-27
- Vityaev E. E., Goncharov S. S., Sviridenko D. I.
On the task approach in artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences. Siberian Philosophical Journal. 2020.Vol. 18, No. 1.
- Sergei S. Goncharov, Dmitrii I. Sviridenko, Evgenii E. Vityaev
Task Approach to Artificial Intelligence // Proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science 2020, Omsk, Russia, April 23-30, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceeding. Vol. 2642.
URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2642/paper1.pdf
- S. Goncharov, S. Ospichev, D. Ponomaryov, D. Sviridenko
The expressiveness of looping terms in the semantic programming. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2020, #17, P. 380–394