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Surname First Name(s):

Kabanikhin (in passport Kabanikhine)
Sergei (in passport- Serguei)

Affiliation and official address:

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Academician Koptyug's Avenue, 4
630090, Russia

Date and place of birth:
27 December, 1952, Batagai, Yakutskaya ASSR.


Education (degrees, dates, universities):

B.S., 1973, Novosibirsk State University
M.S., 1975, Novosibirsk State University
Ph.D., 1978 Computer Center,
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science
Dr.Sci., 1990, Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy
of Science

(employers, positions and dates):

Computer Center, Research Scientist, 1975 - 1984
Computer Center, Senior Research Scientist, 1984 - 1987
Institute of Mathematics, Senior Research Scientist, 1987 - 1990
Institute of Mathematics, Chief Research Scientist, 1990 - present time
Novosibirsk State University, Assistent Professor, 1978 - 1981
Novosibirsk State University, Associate Professor, 1981 - 1990
Novosibirsk State University, Full Professor, 1990 - present time

Invited temporary positions
Geophysical Institute of Prague, Senior visiting scientist, 1984
Mathematical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia,
Senior visiting scientist, 1989
Kazakh Branch of All Union Institute of Prospecting Geophysics,
Alma-Ata, Visiting Scientist, 1990, 1991, 1992
All Union Institute of Geophysics and Well-Logging, Tver, Visiting Scientist,
1990, 1991
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Visiting Professor, 1992, 1994, 1996
Milan University, Visiting Professor, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2001
Florence University, Visiting Professor, 1990, 1992, 1993
Kyoto University, Visiting Professor, 1993.
Perugia University, Visiting Professor, 1993.
Cambridge University, Visiting Professor, 1994
Tokyo University, Full Professor, September 1999-September 2000.
Hangzhou University, China, December 2000- January 2001.

Specialization (specify):

(i) main field: Inverse problems of mathematical physics,
numerical analysis of inverse and ill-posed problems
(ii) other fields: Inverse problems in Geophysics, computerized
tomography, numerical methods
(iii) current reseach interests: Numerical analysis of inverse problems
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Member of Siberian Mathematical Society,
Member of American Mathematical Society,
- Number of papers in refereed journals: 40
- Number of communications to scientific meetings: 24
- Books: 5

Recent selected publications:


1. Inverse problems of elecrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Computer
Center, 1984 (with V.G.Romanov and T.P.Pukhnacheva, in Russian).
2. Projection-difference methods of determining of hyperbolic
equations coefficients, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1989.
3. Inverse problems of geoelectrics, Moscow, Nauka, 1991
(with V.G.Romanov, in Russian).
4. Inverse problems for Maxwell's equations,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, VSP, 1994
(with V.G.Romanov).
5. Identification problems of wave phenomena.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, VSP, 1999
(with A. Lorenzi).


1. Kabanikhin S.I., 1976. On a formulation of the two-dimensional inverse
problem for an oscillation equation. In: Incorrect Mathematical
problems and problems of Geophysics., Novosibirsk, pp. 64-73.
2. Kabanikhin S.I., 1977. A finite-difference inverse problem
regularisation for an oscillation equation. In: Problems of
correctness in mathemtical physics., Novosibirsk, pp. 57-69
(in Russian).
3. Kabanikhin S.I., 1979. Solvability of one dynamical inverse problem of
seismology. In: Conditionally Correct mathematical problems and
problems of Geophysics., Novosibirsk, pp. 43-51 (in Russian).
4. Kabanikhin S.I., 1979. Application of energy inequalities to an
inverse problem for a hyperbolic equation. Differential Equat. 15,
61-67 (in Russian).
5. Kabanikhin S.I. Finite-difference regularization of the inverse problem
for an oscillation equation. In: Problems of Correctness of Problems
Math. Physics, Novosibirsk, V.Ts. SO AN SSSR,1979, pp.57-69.
6. Kabanikhin S.I.On the finite-difference method of determining the
coefficient of a hyperbolic system. Zh.V.M. i M.F., 1979, v. 19, N 2,
pp. 417-425
7. The finite-difference method of determining the coefficient of
a hyperbolic system of 1-st kind. In: Uniqueness, stability and
method of solving inverse and incorrect problems. Novosibirsk,
V.Ts. SO AN SSSR,1979, pp. 36-44.
8. Kabanikhin S.I., 1980. The finite-difference method for
determining the coefficients of a hyperbolic methods for determining
thee coefficients of a hyperbolic system of the first kind. In:
Uniqueness, stability and methods of solving inverse and ill-posed
prblems., Novosibirsk, pp. 36-43 (in Russian).
9. Kabanikhin S.I., 1981. A problem of determining the cofficients
of the acoustics equation. In: Nonclassical problems of mathemtical
physics. Computer Cent., Akad. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 93-100
(in Russian).
10. Kabanikhin S.I., 1981. An approximate method for solving in
inverse problem for the acoustics equation. In: Approximate solution
methods and questions of the well-posedness of inverse problems.
Comput. Cent., Akad. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 55-62 (in Russian)
11. Kabanikhin S.I., Abdiev K.S., 1982. Modeling the initial stage
of electromagnetic current establishment and using this in the problem
of defining the conductivity tensor. In: Questions of correctness of
math. phys. and analysis problem. Computer Center, Sib. Br., Ac. Sci.
USSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 85-94.
12. Kabanikhin S.I., Boboev K., 1982. A finite difference method for
cut determination in Pn-approximations of non-stationary kinetic
transfer equation. In: Metods of solving of the Ill-posed problems.,
Novosibirsk, pp. 213-217 (in Russian).
13. Kabanikhin S.I., Zh.A.Akhmetov.Finite-difference regularization
of the inverse problem for hyperbolic sistem of the 1-st order.
In: Method of solving inverse problems. Novosibirsk,1983, pp.65-74.
14. Blagoveshensky A.S., Kabanikhin S.I., 1983. Inverse problem of
the theory of wave propagation in a semi-infinite non-regular
wavequide. Differential Equations, 19, 603-607 (in Russian).
15. Kabanikhin S.I., 1983. Regularization of multidimentional
inverse problems based on the projection method. In: Theory and
methods for solving ill-posed problems and their applications.,
Nov.St.Univ., Novosibirsk, pp. 101-104 (in Russian).
16. Kabanikhin S.I. On the convergence of the project method of
solution to multi-dimentional inverse problems for hyperbolic
equations. In: Theory and method of solving inverse problems and
their applications.Novosibirsk, V.Ts. SO AN SSSR, IAM by M.V.Keldysh,
1983, pp.111-112.
17. Kabanikhin S.I. Regularization of multidimentional inverse problems
on the basis of projection method. In: Theory and method of solving
ill-posed problems and their applications.
Novosibirsk, NGU, 1983, pp.101-104.
18. Kabanikhin S.I., 1984. The solvability of inverse problems for
differential equations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 277, 788-791
(in Russian).
19. Kabanikhin S.I., 1984. A projection method for solving
multidimentional inverse problems for hyperbolic equations. In:
Ill-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis. Nauka, Sib.
Br., Novosibirsk, 257, pp. 55-59 (in Russian).
20. Kabanikhin S.I., 1984. A scheme of second order accuracy for the
solution of a nonlinear Volterra operator equation. In: Methods for
solving ill-posed mathematical problems and problems of geophysics.
Comp. Cent., Akad. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 66-75 (in Russian).
21. Kabanikhin S.I., V.I.Prijmenko, K.S.Abdiev. Algorithm of detemining
the field of surface current sourse in diffusion approximation.
In: Ill-posed Problems of Math. Physics and Analysis, Novosibirsk,
Nauka, 1984, pp. 234-235,
22. Kabanikhin S.I. Projection method of multidimentional inverse
problems for hyperbolic equations. In: Ill-posed Problems of Math.
Physics and Analysis, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1984, pp. 55-59.
23. Kabanikhin S.I., Abdiev K.S., 1986. Projection-difference method
for solution of 3-D inverse prtoblem of geoellectrics. In: Questions
of correctness of math. phys. and analysis problem. SB AS USSR,
Novosibirsk, pp. 61-72.
24. Kabanikhin S.I. Projection-difference method of solving thee-
dimentional inverse problems of geoelectrics. In: Problems of
Correctness of Inverse Problems of Math. Physics, Novosibirsk,
V.Ts. SO AN SSSR, 1986, pp.61-72.
25. Kabanikhin S.I., Satybaev A.D., 1987. A finite-difference
algorithm for solving a mixed problem for a two-dimensional wave
equation. In: Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations.
Novosibirsk St. Univ., Novosibirsk, pp. 39-57 (in Russian).
26. Kabanikhin S.I., 1987. Regularization of multidimensional
inverse prlblems for hyperbolic equation on the basis of a projection
method. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 292, 534-537 (in Russian).
27. Kabanikhin S.I. Martakov S.I., 1988. Investigation of the
projection-defference methods for geoelectrics. Preprint N 13, AS
USSR, Inst. of Math., Novosibirsk.
28. Kabanikhin S.I., Satybaev A.D., 1988. A finite-difference
regularization of linearized inverse problem for two-dimensional wave
equation. In: Ill-posed Problems. Institute Math., Novosibirsk, pp.
39-57 (in Russian).
29. Kabanikhin S.I., 1988. Linear regularization of multidimensional
inverse problems for hyperbolic equations. Preprint N 27, Institute
Math. Sib.Br. Ac. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, (in Russian).
30. Kabanikhin S.I. Martakov S.V. Investigation the project-difference
method of solving direct and inverse problems of geoelectrics. Preprint
of Inst. of Mathem. of Siber. Br. of the USSR Academy of Sci., 1988, N13,
31. Kabanikhin S.I., Martakov S.V., Tabarovskii L.A., Shiphon N.Y,
1989. Studing the dielectric permeability of medium near borehole in
the early stady process. In: Investigations on conditional correctness
of the problems of Mathematical Physics . Novosibirsk, SO AN SSSR,
Inst. of Math., pp.40-59.
32. Kabanikhin S.I., Martakov S.V., Morgunova T.Ya., and Podgornaya L.E., 1990.
Undersurface radiolocation problem for the underground investigations on
the small depths. In: Solution methods of inverse problems .
Novosibirsk, SO AN SSSR, Inst. of Math., pp. 61-72.
33. Iskakov K.T., Kabanikhin S.I., 1991. The solution of
one-dimensional inverse problem of geoelectrics by the method of
conjugate gradients. In: Russian Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics , USA, New York, N 3, pp. 78-88.
34. Kabanikhin S.I.,Lorenzi A., 1991. An identification problem related
to the integrodifferential Maxwell's equations. Inverse Problems
Printed in the UK. 863-886
35. Kabanikhin S.I. and Karchevsky A.L., 1992. Optimization Method of Solving
Inverse Problems of Geoelectrics. I lll-posed Problem in Natural Sciences.
A.Tikhonov (Ed.) VSP/TSP
36. Kabanikhin S.I., Karchevsky A.L., Lorenzi A., 1992. Lavrent'ev
Regularization of Solutions to Linear Integrodifferential Inverse Problem.
Preprint 44, Universita di Milano, Dipartimento di Matimatica.
37. S.Sh. Bimuratov, and S.I. Kabanikhin, 1992. The solution of one-dimensional
inverse problems of electrodynamics by the Newton-Kantorocivh method.
Comput. Maths Math. Phys., Vol. 32, No. 12, printed in Great Britain.
pp. 1729-1743.
38. Romanov V.G., Kabanikhin S.I. Inverse problems for Maxwell's equations,
VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1994.
39. Kabanikhin S.I., Discrete inverse problems for hyperbolic equations. Abstracts .
Inverse and ill-posed problems. International conference dedicated to
the memory of academician A.N.Tikhonov, (IIPP--96). Moscow, Dialog-MSU,
1996, p.87.
40. Kabanikhin S.I. and Bakanov G.B.,
Discrete analogy of the Gelfand-Levitan equation.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1996)  vol. 4(5),
pp. 409--435.
41. Kabanikhin S.I. and Bakanov G.B., Properties of the cost function in the hyperbolic
inverse problems. Abstracts. Inverse and ill-posed problems.
International conference dedicated to the memory of academician
A.N.Tikhonov, (IIPP-96) Moscow, Dialog-MSU, 1996, p.24.
42. Kabanikhin S.I., Romanov V.G., Gottlieb J.,  Martakov S.V. and Schlaeger S.,
Identification of electromagnetic parameters for media with
microstructure. Abstracts of Conference on Inverse Problems of Wave
Propagation and Diffraction (September 23--27,1996), Aix-les-bains,
France, 1996, pp. 18--21.
43. Kabanikhin S.I. and Yamamoto M.,
The Gel'fand-Levitan theory for systems and its application
to nonstationary problems. Abstracts. Inverse and ill-posed problems.
International conference dedicated to the memory of academician
A.N.Tikhonov, (IIPP-96) Moscow, Dialog-MSU, 1996, p.87.
44. Kabanikhin S.I. and Bakanov G.B.,
The optimizational method for solving the discrete inverse problem
for hyperbolic equation.  Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
(1996) vol.4(6), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 513--530.
45. Kabanikhin S.I., Romanov V.G., Gottlieb J. and Martakov S.V.,
An inverse problem for special dispersive media arising from ground
penetrating radar. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1997)
vol 5 (2), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 175--192.
46. Kabanikhin S.I.,
Discrete inverse problems for hyperbolic equations.
2-nd Saxon Symposium on Inverse Problems,
Germany, Oybin, September 24-26, 1997.
47. Alekseenko A.,M., and  Kabanikhin S.I.,
Uniqueness of the stationary point for the one-dimensional inverse problem
in two-dimensional space. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
1998 vol. 6(2), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 95--114.
48. Alekseenko A.M., and  Kabanikhin S.I.,
Identification of an electromagnetic source in Magnetoencephalography.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1998)
vol. 7(5), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 95--114.
49. Kabanikhin S.I., Kowar R., and  Scherzer O.,
On the Landweber iteration for the solution of a parameter identification
problem in the hyperbolic partial differential equation of the second
order. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1998) vol.6(5),
The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 403--430.
50. Kabanikhin S.I., Koptyug I.,V.,  Iskakov K.T., and  Sagdeev R.Z.,
Inverse problem for a quasilinear equation of diffusion.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1998) vol.6(4),
The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 335--352.
51. Kabanikhin S.I., Karchevsky A.L.,
Optimization algorithm of solving Cauchy problem for elleptic equation.
Dokladi Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk (1998)  vol.359(4), pp. 445--447
52. Kabanikhin S.I., Romanov V.G.,
Direct and inverse problems of electromagnetoelasticity.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (1998) vol.23(9/10), pp. 883--894.
53. Kabanikhin S.I., and Lorenzi A.,
Identification Problems of Wave Phenomena, Uthecht, The Netherlands,
VSP, (1999), 310pp.
54. Azamatov J.S., and  Kabanikhin S.I.,
Nonlinear Volterra operator equations. L2 - theory.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1999)
vol.7(6), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 487--510.
55. Alekseenko A.M., and  Kabanikhin S.I.,
Numerical algorithm for identification problem of magnetoencephalography.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (1999)
vol.7(5), The Netherlands, Utrecht, pp. 385--408.
56. Kabanikhin S.I.,
Numerical methods for solving acoustic inverse problem.
1-st Workshop on Inverse Problems in Underwater Acoustics,
Heraklion, Crete, HELLAS, May 17-19, 1999, p. 63.
57. Kabanikhin S.I.,
Numerical analysis of hyperbolic inverse problems in L2.
Inverse and Direct Problems and Applications,
Milano -- Gargnano, Italy, April 26-30, 1999.
58. Koptyug I.V., Kabanikhin S.I., Iskakov K.T., Fenelonov V.B.,
Khitrina L.Yu., Sagdeev R.Z. and Parmon V.N. A quantitative NMR
imaging studi of mass transport in porous solids during drying
Chemical Engineering Science, Pergamon v.55, 2000. pp.1559-1571.
59. Kabanikhin S.I., Koptyug I.V., Iskakov K.T. Inverse problem for the
diffusion equation and its application to describe the sorption process.
Tokyo, Japan. 2000
60. Kabanikhin S.I., Koptyug I.V., Iskakov K.T., Sagdeev R.Z. Inverse
problem for diffusion transport of water upon single pellet moisture sorbtion.
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
Shanghai Universitet v.1,  2000, pp.31-42.
61. S.I. Kabanikhin, K.T. Iskakov and
M. Yamamoto, H1- conditional stability with explicit Lipshitz
constant for a one-dimensional inverse acoustic problem.
University of Tokyo, Graduate school of mathematical sciences,
Tokyo, Japan. (to appear)


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