S e r g e i L'
v o v i c h
S o b o l e v
Main publications
- On a boundary value problem for polyharmonic equations // Amer. Math Soc.Transl. Ser.2. 1963. Vol. 33.
P. 1-40. Zbl. 131.10103 - Applications of Functional Analysis in Mathematical Physics. Providence: AMS, 1963. 239 p. (Math. Monogr.; Vol.7). MR0165337 (29 #2624)
- Despre o noua problema a fizicii matematice // An. Rom.-Sov. Ser. Mat.-Fiz. 1955. 3-a, Vol. 9, No. 1
P. 5-55. MR0069383 (16,1029)- Trasaturile fundamentale ale ciberneticii // An. Rom.-Sov. Ser. Mat.-Fiz. 1956. T. 10, No. 3
P. 80-97. With A. I. Kitov and A. A. Lyapunov.- Einige Anwendungen der Funktionalanalysis auf Gleichungen der mathhematischen Physik. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964. 218 s. MR0172144 (30 #2370)
- Imbedding theorems // Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2. 1970. Vol. 87.
P. 147-173. Zbl. 206. 12204 - Sur une classe des problemes de physique mathematique // Atti del Simpos. Intern. Appl. Analisi alla Fisica Matematica, 1964, Cagliari-Sassari. Roma, 1965.
P. 192-208. Zbl. 142.22602 MR0223735 (36 #6783)- Cubature Formulas and Modern Analysis: An Introduction. Montreux: Gordon and Breach Sci. Publ., 1992. 379 p.
- Some Applications of Functional Analysis in Mathematical Physics. 3rd ed. Providence: AMS, 1991. 286 p. (Math. Monogr.: Vol. 90).
Zbl. 732.46001 MR1125990 (92e:46067)- Cubbature Formulas and Modern Analysis: An Introduction. Montreux: Gordon and Breach Sci. Publ., 1992. 379 p. MR1248825 (95c:65046)
- The Theory of Cubature Formulas / Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics Siber. Division of the Russ. Acad. Sci.: Transl. and with a foreword by S.S. Kutateladze. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997. 416 p. (Mathematics and Its. Appl.; Vol. 415). With V. L. Vaskevich.
- Selected works. Vol. I: Equations of mathematical physics, computational mathematics, and cubature formulas (English). Edited by G. V. Demidenko and V. L. Vaskevich. New York: Springer. XXVIII. 603 pp. Zbl 1117.01022 MR2265365 (2007g:01011).
- Selected works. Vol. II: Functional analysis. Partial differential equations. (Russian). Edited by S. K. Vodop'yanov, G. V. Demidenko. Novosibirsk: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Matematiki, Akademicheskoe Izdatel'stvo “Geo”, 2006 689 pp.