Let be an arbitrary measurable space.
Denote by
the minimal
generated by the standard product
and diagonal
of the product space.
Denote by the total variation distance between
of random variables X and Y taking values in
.We discuss the following generalization of the fundamental result proved
independently by R.M.Dudley (for Polish spaces, 1968) and by
R.L. Dobrushin (for separable metric spaces, 1970).
Theorem 1. On the probability space ,one can construct copies X0 and Y0 of arbitrary random variables X and Y
such that
and, moreover,
where the infimum in (2) is taken over all pairs
(X, Y) based on the above probability space and having
initial marginal distributions.
Let be row-wise i.i.d.r.v-s in
For each n, introduce the normalized empirical process
based on the sample
and indexed by a family
of real-valued Borel measurable functions on
Theorem 2. Let be a finite measure on
such that