
- V.B. Alekseev (Moscow)
Some connections between discrete mathematics, algebra,
and algorithm complexity
- V.E. Alekseev (Nizhnii Novgorod)
Hereditary properties of graphs
- E.Kh. Gimadi, and A.I. Serdyukov (Novosibirsk)
The maximum traveling salesman problem – a survey
- V.P. Bulatov (Irkutsk)
Global optimization and methods for determining all roots
of nonlinear algebraic equations systems
- A.A. Evdokimov (Novosibirsk)
Coding and complexity of symbolic sequences
- V.A. Emelichev and D.P. Podkapaev (Minsk)
Stability and regularization on vector linear integer
programming problems
- A.V. Eremeev, L.A. Zaozerskaya, and A.A. Kolokolov (Omsk)
Set covering problem: complexity, algorithms, and
experimental research
- I.I. Ereemin (Ekaterinburg)
Problems of duality in mathematical programming
- A.V. Kostochka (Novosibirsk) and V. Rodl (Atlanta, USA)
Graphs with small Ramsey number
- A.A. Korbut (St.-Petersburg)
Combinatorial optimization methods: The average
- N.N. Kuzyurin (Moscow)
Approximation algorithms for linear and integer
programming problems
- W. Mader (Hannover, Germany)
Topological Subgraphs in Graphs of Given
Average Degree
- L.S. Mel’nikov (Novosibirsk)
On graph numerations
- J. Nesetril (Praha, Czech)
Combinatorics of Mappings
- V.N. Noskov (Novosibirsk)
Automata circuits which admit the testing allowing the
high grade of a fault localization
- R. Faudree (Memphis, USA), M. Simonovits (Budapest, Hungary)
Degenerate Extremal Problems
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