The Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Novosibirsk State University organize the International School-Conference on Analysis and Geometry devoted to the 75th anniversary of Yurii Grigor'evitch Reshetnyak, an outstanding mathematician and professor. The School-Conference will take place at Novosibirsk Akademgorodok from August 23 to September 2, 2004.
International Program Committee:
M. Agranovskii (Israel), J. Ball (Great Britain), A. A. Borisenko (Ukraine), V. N. Berestovskii (Russia), Yu. D. Burago (Russia), V. I. Burenkov (Great Britain), V. N. Dubinin (Russia), A. Eremenko (USA), N. Garofalo (USA), F. Gehring (USA), V.Gol’dshtein (Israel), J. Heinonen (USA), T. Iwaniec (USA), S. S. Kutateladze (Russia) V. I. Kuz’minov (Russia), |
O. Martio (Finland), S. V. Matveev (Russia), V. Maz’ya (Sweden), A. D. Mednykh (Russia), V. M. Miklyukov (Russia), I. Nikolaev (Russia — USA), H. M. Reimann (Switzerland), I. Kh. Sabitov (Rossia), M. Shubin (USA), V. D. Stepanov (South Korea), I. A. Taimanov (Russia), V. A. Toponogov (Russia), A. M. Vershik (Russia), V. V. Vershinin (Russia) |
It is well-known that variation problems raised many centuries ago in geometry, physics, mechanics and also in nature and practice. Many generations of mathematicians worked to create a theory for these problems to resolve and to study properties of their solutions. During XX century there were resolved many problems regarding the subject and there were developed new ideas and methods. One of the main ideas belonging to S. Sobolev, the first director of Institute of mathematics in Novosibirsk, is the concept of functions with derivatives in the distributional sense. This crucial idea connected many directions in analysis and geometry. The scope of the School Program contains very important for the modern mathematics fields:
1. Riemannian Geometry in the Large.
2. Quasiconformal Analysis.
3. Nonlinear Potential Theory and Sobolev Spaces.
4. Variation Problems and Related Equations.
5. Complex Analysis.
Professors invited to give mini-courses will exhibit new ideas and methods, and will show succession of the classical and new problems.
The first part of the scientific program of the present School includes several
mini-courses in geometry and analysis. The courses are intended for students
and young mathematicians.
The mini-courses will be delivered during 6 days (23-28 August 2004), 8 lectures
per day, 45 minutes each. 9 mini-courses (4-6 lectures each) will be delivered
on the School.
Preliminary program, 1 week
23.08 Monday |
24.08 Tuesday |
25.08 Wednesday |
26.08 Thursday |
27.08 Friday |
28.08 Saturday |
10.00-11.15 Opening |
09.00-09.45 Iwaniec (1) |
09.00-09.45 Miklyukov (1) |
09.00-09.45 Miklyukov (3) |
09.00-09.45 Burenkov (1) |
09.00-09.45 Borisenko (3) |
09.55-10.40 Iwaniec (2) |
09.55-10.40 Miklyukov (2) |
09.55-10.40 Miklyukov (4) |
09.55-10.40 Burenkov (2) |
09.55-10.40 Borisenko (4) |
10.40-11.00 coffee |
11.15-11.45 coffee |
11.00-11.45 Pohozaev (1) |
11.00-11.45 Pohozaev (3) |
11.00-11.45 Nikolaev (1) |
11.00-11.45 Nikolaev (3) |
11.00-11.45 Nikolaev (5) |
11.45-12.30 Reshetnyak |
11.55-12.40 Pohozaev (2) |
11.55-12.40 Pohozaev (4) |
11.55-12.40 Nikolaev (2) |
11.55-12.40 Nikolaev (4) |
11.55-12.40 Nikolaev (6) |
12.40-14.30 dinner |
13.00-13.45 Burenkov (3) |
14.30-15.15 Shubin (1) |
14.30-15.15 Shubin (3) |
14.30-15.15 Shubin (5) |
14.30-15.15 Buyalo (1) |
14.30-15.15 Buyalo (3) |
15.25-16.10 Shubin (2) |
15.25-16.10 Shubin (4) |
15.25-16.10 Shubin (6) |
15.25-16.10 Buyalo (2) |
15.25-16.10 Buyalo (4) |
16.10-16.30 coffee |
16.30-17.10 Vershinin |
16.30-17.00 Chistyakov |
16.30-17.15 Goldman (1) |
16.30-17.15 Goldman (3) |
16.30-17.15 Borisenko (1) |
17.20-17.50 Stachel |
17.10-17.40 Lanza de Cristoforis |
17.25-18.10 Goldman (2) |
17.25-18.10 Goldman (4) |
17.25-18.10 Borisenko (2) |
18.00-18.30 Weiss |
17.50-18.20 Semenov |
18.20-18.50 Shlapunov |
18.20-19.00 Shubin |
19.30 Reception |
Borisenko A. (Ukraine),
Ricci flow and Thurston geometric conjecture (4 lectures).
Burenkov V. (Great Britain),
Description of traces for Sobolev spaces on piecewise smooth surfaces (3 lectures).
Buyalo S. (Russia),
Asymptotic geometry of metric spaces (4 lectures).
Goldman M. (Russia),
On rearrengement invariant hull of
Besov, Calderon, and Sobolev spaces
(4 lectures).
Iwaniec T. (USA),
Null Lagrangians (2 lectures).
Miklyukov V. (Russia),
Quasiconformally flat surfaces in Riemannian manifolds (4 lectures).
Nikolaev I. (USA),
On the Sasaki distance between directions in the metric space and solution of
a problem by A. D. Aleksandrov on Synthetic description of Riemannian manifolds
(6 lectures).
Pohozaev S. (Russia),
Nonlinear capacities and blow-up solutions to nonlinear PDE-s (4 lectures).
Shubin M. (USA),
Capacity and its applications in spectral theory (6 lectures).
Vershinin V. (Russia), Graph Presentations for Surface Braid Groups.
Semenov V. (Russia), Кратность накрытия отображения в интегральных оценках.
Chistyakov V. (Russia), A new pointwise selection principle for mappings of one real variable.
Lanza de Cristoforis M. (Italy), Composition of functions in Besov spaces with critical exponent and spaces of functions of bounded p-variation.
Reshetnyak Yu. (Russia), On Sobolev functions with values in a metric space.
Shlapunob A.. (Russia), Формулы Грина в теории эллиптических комплексов.
Shubin M. (USA), Емкость в спектральной теории операторов Шредингера.
Stachel H. (Austria), Ivory's theorem in hyperbolic spaces.
Weiss G. (Germany), Minkowski-Orthogonalities and -Angles from a Progextive-Geometric View Point.
The second part of the School will be devoted to talks in sections.
Preliminary program, 2 week
30.08 Monday |
31.08 Tuesday |
01.09 Wednesday |
02.09 Thursday |
09.15-09.30 Opening |
09.00-09.20 Aleksandrov |
09.00-09.20 Klimenko Aleksandrov |
09.30-10.20 Kratko |
09.30-10.20 Tsikh |
09.30-10.20 Murakami |
09.30-10.20 Dubinin |
10.20-10.40 coffee |
10.40-11.30 Reimann |
10.40-11.30 Kopylov |
10.40-11.30 Pedregal |
10.40-11.30 Besov |
11.40-12.30 Iwaniec |
11.40-12.30 Borisenko |
11.40-12.30 Szekelyhidi |
11.40-12.30 Pohozaev |
12.30-14.30 dinner |
14.30-15.00 | 14.30-15.10 | 14.30-15.00 | 14.30-15.00 | ||||
Apanasov | Isangulova | Berestovskii Nikonorov |
Taheri | Burago | Goldshtein | Kuzminov Shvedov |
Stepanov |
15.10-15.40 | |||||||
Rodionov Slavskii Chibrikova |
Sharafutdinov | ||||||
15.40-16.00 coffee |
Plenary talks
Besov О. (Russia),
Пространства дифференцируемых функций переменной
гладкости на липшицевых областях.
Borisenko А. (Ukraine),
Экстремальное свойство пространства
Лобачевского в классе многообразий Адамара.
Dubinin V. (Russia),
К теоремам искажения для конформных отображений плоских областей.
Kopylov А. (Russia),
Stability and Regularity of Solutions to
Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations.
Kratko M. (Ukraine),
Решение проблемы Ю.Г.Решетняка о соединении процессоров в вычислительных системах.
Pohozaev S. (Russia),
Nonlinear capacity and blow-up nonlinear
equations and inequalities.
Tsikh А. (Russia),
Амебы и теория распределений алгебраических множеств.
Iwaniec T. (USA),
Extremal mappings of finite distortion.
Murakami H. (Japan),
On the volume conjecture and its generalizations.
Pedregal P. (Spain),
Gradient Young Measures and Applications to Optimal Design.
Reimann H. M. (Switzerland),
Hearing and the affine group.
Szekelyhidi L. (Germany),
Convex integration for elliptic systems.
Intersectional talks
Apanasov B. (Russia - USA),
Instability of Disc Bundles with Locally Symmetric Geometry.
Berestovskii V., Nikonorov Yu. (Russia),
Continued fractions, the
group GL(2,Z), and Pisot numbers.
Burago Yu. (Russia),
Bi-Lipschitz equivalent Alexandrov surfaces.
Vodopyanov S., Isangulova D. (Russia),
Differentiability of
mappings of Carnot - Caratheodory spaces in the Sobolev topology.
Goldshtein V. (Israel),
Аксиоматическая теория соболевских классов функций на метрических
Kuzminov V., Shvedov I. (Russia),
О дискретности спектра оператора Лапласа на римановом многообразии.
Rodionov Ye., Slavskii V. (Russia),
Конформные деформации псевдоримановых пространств.
Stepanov V. (S. Korea),
Weighted norm inequalities on semiaxis and applications.
Taheri Ali (Great Britain),
Topology of function spaces and quasiconvexity.
Information talks
Aleksandrov V. A. (Russia),
Обзор математических Интернет-ресурсов
Klimenko О., Aleksandrov V. (Russia),
Реализация проекта СО РАН по созданию электронного каталога
математических Интернет-ресурсов.
Official languages: Russian and English.
Abstracts of short communications and poster sessions will be published as
a separate booklet.
Participants should fill the Registration form via
the conference web cite or fill and sent the Registration form either by email
or by regular mail to
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
pr. Ak. Koptyuga, 4.
630090, Novosibirsk,
For foreign participants only:
Please, mark the corresponding line in your Registration
Form if you need to have an official invitation to apply for a visa. After
that you will get an additional Form to fill. The additional information is
requested by the civil authority to issue your personal official invitation.
To publish the Abstract Book in the print form abstracts should be prepared
in LaTeX in accordance with Abstract Form abstract.tex,
and sent by email until June 15, 2004 to
Financial support:
The Organizing Committee has applied to INTAS to provide financial support to young participants from the former USSR. The School intends to provide some grants which may cover the accommodation expenses and the travel expenses. The total number of grants and their amounts depend on the final funding of the event. The support can only be received by young participants of the School (under 35 years).
Grants will be approved, according to the available budget, taking into consideration
the following issues:
Graduation year
Curriculum Vitae
Reference letters
To apply for a grant send the following documents by e-mail to
Curriculum Vitae
A reference letter (only for students and Ph.D. students)
Registration form
The above documents can be also send by mail to:
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
pr. Ak. Koptyuga, 4.
630090, Novosibirsk,
Applicants for the grants will be notified of the decision on their application by e-mail and they should, therefore, provide an e-mail address at which they can be contacted.
The deadline to apply for a grant finishes on June 15, 2004.
Approval of grants will be decided on July 1, 2004.
All the questions about this School should be sent either by e-mail to
or by regular mail to
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
pr. Ak. Koptyuga, 4
630090 Novosibirsk
Organizing Committee:
Sergei Vodopyanov — Chairman
Victor Alexandrov
Alexandre Egorov
Daria Isangulova
Alexandre Romanov
Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk. Conference |