Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Higher School of Economics organize The International conference-school on algebraic geometry ''Siberian summer school: Current developments in Geometry''. It will be held in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Academician Koptyug avenue, on August 27 - September 1, 2018.

Scientific program consists of mini-courses of invited speakers.


L. Katzarkov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
A. Mironov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
V. Przyjalkowski (Higher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow)
I. Taimanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)

Local Organizers:

V. Davletshina (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
O. Grishina (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

The main goal of this school is to introduce students to new cutting edge directions in Geometry and the ways the research of Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry NRU HSE relates to them.

The following courses will be given.

E. Balzin. Families of categories in geometry, algebra, and homotopy theory.

S. Barannikov. Noncommutative Hodge structures, Batalin - Vilkovisky geometry and mirror symmetry.

A. Efimov. Introduction to the category theory.

T. Milanov. Lecture 1: Frobenius manifolds in singularity theory;

             Lecture 2: Mirror symmetry for orbifold quotients of the Fermat type Calabi--Yau hypersurfaces;

             Lecture 3: Analytic continuation of Gromov--Witten invariants.

A. Mironov. Integrable systems and algebraic geometry.

T. Panov. Geometry and topology of toric varieties.

V. Przyjalkowski. Weighted complete intersections.

A. Takahashi. Singularities and Mirror Symmetry.

A. Sheshmani. Enumerative geometry of Calabi-Yau manifolds: Gromov-Witten and Donaldson-Thomas theories in dimensions 2,3,4.

K. Shramov. Severi-Brauer varieties and their automorphisms.

A. Szenes. Localization techniques and the structure of the cohomology ring of the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles.

We hope that this will lead to long term interests in these research directions and life long collaborations.

Website of the conference:

Poster (3,05 Mb)
Program (225 Kb)
© Институт математики им. С.Л. Соболева, 2018