Russian Conference
Discrete Optimization
and Operations Research

Vladivostok, Lazurnaya Bay 
Pancionat "Golden Shore"
September 7-14, 2007


Russian page

The conference is organized jointly by the Institute for Automation and Control Sciences (Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences) and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Siberian Branch of RAS) under the sponsorship of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The previous five conferences were devoted to discrete analysis and operations research and took place in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004. This conference is devoted to discrete optimization and operations research. It will be held on the Russian Far East in the pictureous spot on the Japan Sea shore nearby Vladivostok.



Co-Chairs of the Program Committee   Professor E.A. Nurminsky (IACS FEB RAS)
Professor V.L. Beresnev (SIM SB RAS)


Program Committee

 Information for participants  

Conference venue

Registration form

Abstracts submission


Plenary lectures

Important dates

Contact addresses

  (IACS FEB RAS  Vladivostok)  (SIM SB RAS Novosibirsk)



© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Last reduction 25.04.2007