Abstracts in PDF-format

Program in PDF-format

Program (and presentations of some talks)
Wednesday, August 28 |
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8:00-9:50 |
Registration (ground floor hall of the Institute of Mathematics) |
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Plenary talks (conference hall) |
10:00-10:50 |
A. A. Agrachev,
Sub-Riemannian curvature |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:10-12:00 |
N. P. Dolbilin,
Polytopes with centrally symmetrical faces and Parallelohedra |
12:10-13:00 |
Z. Rakić,
Osserman condition and duality principle |
| Section talks |
| Section À Topology of 3-Manifolds (conference hall) | Section B Differential Geometry (room 344) | Section C Differential equations and Geometry (room 417) |
15:00-15:20 |
E. A. Fominykh,
Hyperbolic 3-manifolds with cusps of complexity 8 and 9 |
V. Ì. Gichev,
Semigroup property of foliations of vector spaces  |
V. P. Golubyatnikov,
On cycles in some even-dimensional non-linear dynamical systems |
15:25-15:45 |
K. Yu. Shmelkov,
On structure of volume set of non-euclidean polyhedra  |
V. V. Slavsky,
Computational problems of convex Lobachevsky geometry  |
I. V. Vyugin,
On the local form of solutions of Painleve equations |
15:50-16:10 |
A. A. Akimova,
Classification of genus 1 virtual knots of low complexity  |
Å. S. Kornev,
Affinor Structures on the Lie Algebroids |
Yu. À. Kordyukov,
Semiclassical spectral asymptotics for a two-dimensional magnetic Schrodinger operator  |
16:15-16:35 |
L. R. Nabeyeva,
Classification of knots of low complexity in the thickened Klein bottle |
À. G. Sedykh,
About geometry of homogeneous space M7 = SO(5)/SO(3) |
A. Ya. Sultanov,
On lifts in Weil bundles |
Coffee break (25 minutes) |
17:00-17:20 |
Ò. À. Kozlovskaya,
Branched cyclic coverings of connected sums of lens spaces |
V. V. Slavsky,
On deformation of tensor fields on manifold  |
Å. I. Ganzha,
Twisted Laplace transform of linear partial differential equations  |
17:25-17:45 |
Ya. Ê. Ilyina,
Classification of knotted arcs of low camplexity in a thikened punctured torus  |
N. A. Chuesheva,
Analytical theory of Prym differentials on variable compact Riemann surface  |
17:50-18:10 |
À. Ì. Kulakova,
Proof of the theorem Schubert  |
Thursday, August 29 |
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Plenary talks (conference hall) |
9:30-10:20 |
I. Kh. Sabitov,
On an approach to the calculation of volumes in spaces of constant curvature  |
10:30-11:20 |
R. Nedela,
Recent progress in map enumeration  |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:40-12:30 |
M. Sakuma,
Simple loops on bridge spheres and Heegaard surfaces  |
12:40-13:30 |
S. P. Tan,
A dilogarithm identity on moduli spaces of curves  |
| Section talks |
| Section À Geometry (conference hall) | Section B Riemann Surfaces (room 344) | Section C Differential equations and Geometry (room 417) |
15:00-15:20 |
L. N. Romakina,
Orthogonal oricyclical coordinate system on the hyperbolic plane of positive curvature  |
V. V. Chueshev,
Analytical theory of Prym differentials on variable compact Riemann surface |
À. V. Ivanova,
Shallow water on the sphere: exact solutions and computer modeling  |
15:25-15:45 |
Î. G. Bagina,
Coronas for pentagons |
Î. À. Sergeeva,
Operators in space of integrable (q,ρ)-forms on a compact Riemann surface  |
À. Ì. Barlukova,
Simple waves in hemodynamics  |
15:50-16:10 |
V. A. Shastin,
Pseudocharacters of braid groups |
Y. Friedman,
Digitization of the harmonic oscillator in extended relativity  |
16:15-16:30 |
Conference photo (entrance to the Institute of Mathematics) |
16:30-18:00 |
18:00-21:00 |
Friday, August 30 |
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Plenary talks (conference hall) |
9:30-10:20 |
I. À. Dynnikov,
On a typical leaf of a measured foliated 2-complex of thin type |
10:30-11:20 |
Ò. Å. Panov,
Complex geometry and toric topology  |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:40-12:30 |
S. V. Buyalo,
Moebius characterization of the boundary at infinity of rank one symmetric spaces |
12:40-13:30 |
P. D. Andreev,
The topology of Busemann non-positively curved G-spaces  |
| Section talks |
| Section À Applications of Topology (conference hall) | Section B Maps on Surfaces (room 344) | Section C Analysis and Geometry (room 417) |
15:00-15:20 |
V. V. Vershinin,
On Cohen braids  |
F. I. Solov'eva,
On self-embeddings of Steiner triple systems |
À. Å. Gutman,
Sequentially convergent mappings and fixed-point theorems |
15:25-15:45 |
Î. D. Ros',
On geometry of chains Σ(Fq , Fq[x,y] / < x2, xy, y2 >) |
J. Karabáš,
Discrete group action on orientable surfaces |
À. V. Tetenov,
On equiinvariant projections of self-similar Jordan arcs |
15:50-16:10 |
Å. Å. Skurichin,
Categorical and geometrical approach to analysis of informational processes |
B. S. Bychkov,
Computation of megamaps |
Ê. V. Storozhuk,
Orbits of nonholonomic Lipschitz distributions |
16:15-16:35 |
Å. S. Oshevskaya,
On some classes of directed topological spaces  |
Ì. À. Deryagina,
Enumeration of two-colored map with given number of edges |
À. Î. Molchanova,
Solution of variational problems in some classes of mappings with finite distortion  |
Coffee break (25 minutes) |
17:00-17:20 |
R. V. Razumovsky,
Some classes of fiber links  |
Ì. I. Tulina,
Special divisors of Prym differentials |
Ya. A. Kopylov,
Amenability of locally compact groups in terms of Orlicz functions |
17:25-17:45 |
M. V. Korobkov,
On Morse-Sard theorem, N-property and level sets for the sharp case of Sobolev-Lorentz mappings |
Ò. À. Pushkareva,
Harmonic Prym differentials and Gunning bundle |
I. N. Shnurnikov,
On the number of connected components in arrangements of submanifolds |
Saturday, August 31 |
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Plenary talks (conference hall) |
9:30-10:20 |
A. Nakayashiki,
Schur function of Riemann surfaces |
10:30-11:20 |
Z. Lángi,
The mathematics of pebbles: equilibria and Morse functions  |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
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| Section talks |
| Section À Geometry (conference hall) | Section B Differential equations and Geometry (room 417) |
11:40-12:00 |
Ì. À. Ovchinnikov,
A proof of the geometric conjecture on bialgebras  |
S. P. Tsarev,
Multidimensional Moutard transformation  |
12:05-12:25 |
À. V. Masley,
Necessary and sufficient conditions for discreteness of Maskit groups |
N. V. Shtabel,
The application of differential form's theory to solving Maxwell's equations with tensor coefficients |
12:30-12:50 |
À. V. Sherstobitov,
Properties of a generalized hexahedron, generalized octahedron, and of their analogs in the four-dimensional space |
E. I. Shamaev,
The discrete geometric bisectors flow of convex polygons and its convergence |
Closing of the Conference |

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2013 with the participation of
Laboratory of geometrical methods in mathematical physics, MSU
Russian foundation for basic research
Dynasty foundation
