International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk — 2013"

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
August, 28 — 31, 2013
Novosibirsk (Russia)

Abstracts in PDF-format

Program in PDF-format

Program (and presentations of some talks)

Wednesday, August 28
Registration (ground floor hall of the Institute of Mathematics)
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
A. A. Agrachev, Sub-Riemannian curvature
 Coffee break (20 minutes)
N. P. Dolbilin, Polytopes with centrally symmetrical faces and Parallelohedra
Z. Rakić, Osserman condition and duality principle
 Lunch (120 minutes)

 Section talks
 Section À
 Topology of 3-Manifolds
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 Differential Geometry
 (room 344)
 Section C
 Differential equations and Geometry
 (room 417)
E. A. Fominykh, Hyperbolic 3-manifolds with cusps of complexity 8 and 9
V. Ì. Gichev, Semigroup property of foliations of vector spaces

V. P. Golubyatnikov, On cycles in some even-dimensional non-linear dynamical systems
K. Yu. Shmelkov, On structure of volume set of non-euclidean polyhedra

V. V. Slavsky, Computational problems of convex Lobachevsky geometry

I. V. Vyugin, On the local form of solutions of Painleve equations
A. A. Akimova, Classification of genus 1 virtual knots of low complexity

Å. S. Kornev, Affinor Structures on the Lie Algebroids
Yu. À. Kordyukov, Semiclassical spectral asymptotics for a two-dimensional magnetic Schrodinger operator

L. R. Nabeyeva, Classification of knots of low complexity in the thickened Klein bottle
À. G. Sedykh, About geometry of homogeneous space M7 = SO(5)/SO(3)
A. Ya. Sultanov, On lifts in Weil bundles
 Coffee break (25 minutes)
Ò. À. Kozlovskaya, Branched cyclic coverings of connected sums of lens spaces
V. V. Slavsky, On deformation of tensor fields on manifold

Å. I. Ganzha, Twisted Laplace transform of linear partial differential equations

Ya. Ê. Ilyina, Classification of knotted arcs of low camplexity in a thikened punctured torus

N. A. Chuesheva, Analytical theory of Prym differentials on variable compact Riemann surface

À. Ì. Kulakova, Proof of the theorem Schubert

Thursday, August 29
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
I. Kh. Sabitov, On an approach to the calculation of volumes in spaces of constant curvature

R. Nedela, Recent progress in map enumeration

 Coffee break (20 minutes)
M. Sakuma, Simple loops on bridge spheres and Heegaard surfaces

S. P. Tan, A dilogarithm identity on moduli spaces of curves

 Lunch (90 minutes)

 Section talks
 Section À
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 Riemann Surfaces
 (room 344)
 Section C
 Differential equations and Geometry
 (room 417)
L. N. Romakina, Orthogonal oricyclical coordinate system on the hyperbolic plane of positive curvature

V. V. Chueshev, Analytical theory of Prym differentials on variable compact Riemann surface
À. V. Ivanova, Shallow water on the sphere: exact solutions and computer modeling

Î. G. Bagina, Coronas for pentagons
Î. À. Sergeeva, Operators in space of integrable (q,ρ)-forms on a compact Riemann surface

À. Ì. Barlukova, Simple waves in hemodynamics

V. A. Shastin, Pseudocharacters of braid groups
Y. Friedman, Digitization of the harmonic oscillator in extended relativity

 Conference photo (entrance to the Institute of Mathematics)

Friday, August 30
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
I. À. Dynnikov, On a typical leaf of a measured foliated 2-complex of thin type
Ò. Å. Panov, Complex geometry and toric topology

 Coffee break (20 minutes)
S. V. Buyalo, Moebius characterization of the boundary at infinity of rank one symmetric spaces
P. D. Andreev, The topology of Busemann non-positively curved G-spaces

 Lunch (90 minutes)

 Section talks
 Section À
 Applications of Topology
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 Maps on Surfaces
 (room 344)
 Section C
 Analysis and Geometry
 (room 417)
V. V. Vershinin, On Cohen braids

F. I. Solov'eva, On self-embeddings of Steiner triple systems
À. Å. Gutman, Sequentially convergent mappings and fixed-point theorems
Î. D. Ros', On geometry of chains Σ(Fq , Fq[x,y] / < x2, xy, y2 >)
J. Karabáš, Discrete group action on orientable surfaces
À. V. Tetenov, On equiinvariant projections of self-similar Jordan arcs
Å. Å. Skurichin, Categorical and geometrical approach to analysis of informational processes
B. S. Bychkov, Computation of megamaps
Ê. V. Storozhuk, Orbits of nonholonomic Lipschitz distributions
Å. S. Oshevskaya, On some classes of directed topological spaces

Ì. À. Deryagina, Enumeration of two-colored map with given number of edges
À. Î. Molchanova, Solution of variational problems in some classes of mappings with finite distortion

 Coffee break (25 minutes)
R. V. Razumovsky, Some classes of fiber links

Ì. I. Tulina, Special divisors of Prym differentials
Ya. A. Kopylov, Amenability of locally compact groups in terms of Orlicz functions
M. V. Korobkov, On Morse-Sard theorem, N-property and level sets for the sharp case of Sobolev-Lorentz mappings
Ò. À. Pushkareva, Harmonic Prym differentials and Gunning bundle
I. N. Shnurnikov, On the number of connected components in arrangements of submanifolds

Saturday, August 31
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
A. Nakayashiki, Schur function of Riemann surfaces
Z. Lángi, The mathematics of pebbles: equilibria and Morse functions

 Coffee break (20 minutes)
 Section talks
 Section À
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 Differential equations and Geometry
 (room 417)
Ì. À. Ovchinnikov, A proof of the geometric conjecture on bialgebras

S. P. Tsarev, Multidimensional Moutard transformation

À. V. Masley, Necessary and sufficient conditions for discreteness of Maskit groups
N. V. Shtabel, The application of differential form's theory to solving Maxwell's equations with tensor coefficients
À. V. Sherstobitov, Properties of a generalized hexahedron, generalized octahedron, and of their analogs in the four-dimensional space
E. I. Shamaev, The discrete geometric bisectors flow of convex polygons and its convergence
 Closing of the Conference

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2013 with the participation of
Laboratory of geometrical methods in mathematical physics, MSU
Russian foundation for basic research
Dynasty foundation
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics   Laboratory of geometrical methods in mathematical physics, MSU   Russian foundation for basic research   Dynasty foundation