The electronic version of the program

Program (and slides of some talks)
Wednesday, September 24 |
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8:00-9:50 |
Registration (Ground floor of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics) |
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Plenary talks (conference hall)
9:50-10:00 |
Opening of the Conference |
10:00-10:50 |
S. V. Matveev,
Calculation of the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants under Z2 for Seifert manifolds
10:50-11:10 |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:10-12:00 |
V. D. Stepanov,
Weighted inequalities for sublinear integral operators on semiaxis
12:10-13:00 |
A. A. Gaifullin,
Volumes of flexible polyhedral |
| Section talks |
| Section A (conference hall)
Geometry and Topology, 1 | Section B (room 417) Differential Geometry | Section C (room 344) Geometry and Topology, 2 | Section D (room 213)
Geometric Analysis |
15:00-15:50 |
E. A.
Infinite families of
3-manifolds with known
N. A. Tyurin,
Lagrangian spheres in the flag
variety F3
A. D.
Branched coverings
and automorphism groups of
A. V.
Covering maps in
quasimetric spaces and Carnot
– Carathéodory spaces |
16:00-16:20 |
I. N. Shnurnikov,
About the number of special
spines with one two-
dimensional cell |
M. Lj. Zlatanovic,
geodesic mappings of manifold
with nonsymmetric connection |
V. A.
The set of flexible
non-degenerate polyhedra of
given combinatorial structure is
not always algebraic |
E. P. Ushakova,
Criteria for boundedness of the
Hardy – Steklov operators in
Lebesgue spaces on the half-line expressed in terms of direct
and dual fairways |
16:25-16:45 |
A. A. Akimova,
Khovanov homology of knots in
a thickened torus  |
E. D. Rodionov,
V. V. Slavsky
On some properties of
conformally flat Riemannian
metrics |
A. N.
On local
combinatorics at a face of a
parallelohedral tiling |
M. G. Nasyrova,
Fractional order Hardy
inequalities |
Coffee break (25 minutes) |
17:15-17:35 |
V. A. Shastin,
A combinatorial model of the
Lipschitz metric for surfaces
with punctures  |
D. N. Oskorbin,
On the spectrum of the
curvature operators on
conformally flat metric Lie
groups |
Ya. A. Kopylov,
Derivation of exact couples in p-
semi-abelian categories |
V. P.
A model of one
biological 2-cells complex  |
17:40-18:10 |
M. Mulazzani,
4-colored graphs and exterior of links |
P. N. Klepikov,
On harmonicity of concircular
curvature tensor of metric Lie
groups of small dimensions  |
R. A. Devyatov,
Equivariant infinitesimal
deformations of algebraic
threefolds with an action of an
algebraic torus of complexity 1 |
N. A. Evseev,
Composition operators on
Sobolev spaces in a Carnot
group and metric properties of
mappings |
17:40-18:10 |
M. V.
Diagrams of Legendrian
Graphs |
S. V.
On four-dimensional conformal semiflat
Riemannian manifolds with
zero scalar curvature 
E. S. Kudina,
Relations between angles and
edge lengths of Euclidean and
hyperbolic octahedra with 3m-
symmetry |
V. A.
On Sobolev norms
stability of classes of conformal
mappings |
Thursday, September 25 |
| |
Plenary talks (conference hall)
10:00-10:50 |
V. M. Buchstaber,
Hirzebruch genera and functional equations
10:50-11:10 |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:10-12:00 |
S. K. Lando,
Combinatorial solutions to integrable hierarchies
12:10-13:00 |
S. M. Natanzon,
Symmetric solutions of the dispersionless 2D Toda hierarchy, Hurwitz numbers and conformal
dynamics  |
| Section talks |
| Section A (conference hall)
Geometry and Topology | Section B (room 417) Differential Geometry, 1 | Section C (room 344) Theory of Functions
| Section D (room 213)
Differential Geometry, 2
15:00-15:50 |
A. P. Kopylov,
M. V.
Rigidity conditions
for the boundaries of
submanifolds in a Riemannian
A. B. Zheglov,
Geometric properties of
algebraically integrable
quantum completely integrable
A. V. Tetenov,
Self-similar Jordan arcs which
do not satisfy to weak separation
L. S. Velimirovic,
results on infinitesimal bending |
16:00-16:20 |
I. A. Dynnikov,
Geometry of discrete
holomorphic functions on the
hyperbolic plane |
A. Ya. Sultanov,
Weil bundles with synectic
connections and estimates of
dimensions for their affine
vector fields Lie algebras |
D. A.
Quasicircles and
homogeneous areas as solving of
a problem in R3 |
V. M. Gichev,
Geometry of the evaluation map
and metric properties of
polynomials on compact
homogeneous spaces
16:25-16:45 |
L. N.
On tilings of the
hyperbolic plane of positive
curvature by right oricyclic n-
trapezoids  |
I. A. Zubareva,
Correct observer's event
horizon in de Sitter space-time
V. V. Aseev,
Quasiconformal analogue of a
Caratheodori's theorem |
I. A. Gundyrev,
Algebraic characterization of
similarly homogeneous non-
homogeneous locally compact
spaces with intrinsic metric |
Coffee break (25 minutes) |
17:15-17:35 |
A. V. Kostin,
About asimptotic nets on
pseudospheres |
N. A.
Boundary value
problems for some third-order
equations  |
P. A. Istomin,
example of an attractor for the
local system of tensile maps |
A. G.
Divergent formulas
and conservation laws in the
differential geometry and their
applications in the
mathematical physics |
17:40-18:10 |
N. N. Kostina,
General properties of polygons
in spaces of constant curvature |
V. S.
differential operators with
polynomial coefficients |
K. G. Kamalutdinov,
Theorem on general position for
families of fractal curves |
E. S. Kornev,
Almost contact structures on
five-dimensional manifolds  |
17:40-18:10 |
M. A.
Framed links
presentations for 3-manifolds
with toric boundary having
special spines with 3 vertices |
A. G. Sedykh,
Deformation of SO(3)-structure
on five-dimensional Lie groups |
Friday, September 26 |
| |
Plenary talks (conference hall)
10:00-10:50 |
M. Mateljević,
Distortion of quasiregular mappings and Bloch's type theorems
10:50-11:10 |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:10-12:00 |
N. P. Dolbilin,
From local to global order in crystals: rigorous results
12:10-13:00 |
A. E. Gutman, A. G. Kusraev, S. S. Kutateladze,
The growth points of boolean
valued analysis |
15:00–15:50 |
S. K. Vodopyanov,
The theory of mappings with bounded distortion: prospects for development |
16:00–17:30 |
Open session of the Scientific council of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, dedicated to 85th anniversary of academician
Yuri Grigor'evich Reshetnyak |
Conference photo (Entrance of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
18:00–21:00 |
Saturday, September 27 |
| |
Plenary talks (conference hall)
10:00-10:50 |
D. A. Panov,
Definite connections |
10:50-11:10 |
Coffee break (20 minutes) |
11:10-12:00 |
T. E. Panov,
Bott towers and equivariant cobordism
12:10-13:00 |
I. Kh. Sabitov,
Infinitesimal deformations of surfaces of revolution with flattenings  |
| Section talks |
| Section A (conference hall)
Geometry and Topology | Section B (room 417) Geometric Analysis | Section C (room 344) Theory of Functions
15:00-15:50 |
E. E. Skurikhin,
sequences and exact sequences of
cohomologies of categorical topological
spaces |
M. B. Karmanova,
aspects of Carnot – Carathéodory spaces
and applications
V. V. Chueshev,
differentials on variable tori |
16:00-16:20 |
A. K. Guts,
the conditions for the formation of time
loops in 5-dimensional Lorentz manifold |
V. M. Keselman,
Conformal type and isoperimetric function
of a Riemannian manifold  |
A. V. Koptev,
Homomorphisms of Banach bundles and
separable convergent sequences |
16:25-16:45 |
A. V. Levichev,
On a
notion of distance between space-times |
A. S. Romanov,
embedding theorems for Sobolev functions
in domains with Hölder singularities
A. A. Kazantseva,
bundles of Abelian differentials over the
Teichmüller space |
17:15-17:35 |
A. A. Egorov,
of the differential inequality with a null
Lagrangian: Hölder regularity |

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2014
