International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk — 2015"

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
August, 26 — 28, 2015
Novosibirsk (Russia)

Electronic version of the program


Wednesday, August 26
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
S. V. Matveev, Calculation of Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants over Z2 for twice orientable Seifert manifolds
 Coffee break (20 minutes)
V. A. Sharafutdinov, Killing tensor fields on the 2-torus
S. V. Buyalo, Incidence axioms for the boundary at infinity of complex hyperbolic spaces
 Lunch (90 minutes)
M. Knežević, Some remarks to the class of HQC diffeomorphisms of the unit disk

 Section A
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 (room 417)
 Section C
 (room 344)
E. A. Fominykh, On minimal ideal triangulations of cusped hyperbolic manifolds
A. B. Zheglov, Semistable sheaves on singular curves and commuting ordinary differential operators
V. V. Chueshev, Differentials with matrix characters on Riemann surfaces with punctures
 Coffee break (30 minutes)
A. A. Akimova, Classification of primary knots of special type in thickened torus
A. V. Smirnov, Quasi-isometric invariants of the fundamental group of an orthogonal graph-manifold
V. V. Aseev, Injective mappings transforming spheres to quasispheres
V. V. Tarkaev, Relationship between homological characteristic and complexity of knot in thickened surface
A. Ya. Sultanov, On horizontal lifts of vector fields to Weil bundles of second order
A. V. Tetenov, On functions holding to generalized Reed-Bairaktarevich's condition
M. A. Ovchinnikov, ε-TQFT-presentations of braids groups
E. N. Sosov, Basic metric invariants of metric spaces
K. G. Kamalutdinov, On intersection of fractal curves
R. A. Panenko, De Rham regularization operators in Orlicz spaces of differential forms on Riemannian manifolds
A. V. Kuleshov, On internal equipment of some families of hyperflat elements in projective space
D. A. Vaulin, Open set condition for self-similar dendrites on plane and one-side arcs

Thursday, August 27
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
Z. Racić, FQ[MN], FQ[GLN] and FQ[SLN] as quantize hyperalgebras
 Coffee break (20 minutes)
D. V. Talalaev, Quasi-invariants of 2-knots and integrated three-dimensional statistical models
A. Nakayashiki, Character formulae of some D modules on hyperelliptic Jacobians
 Lunch (90 minutes)
I. A. Zubareva, On sub-Riemannian distance on Lie groups SU(2) and SO(3)

 Section A
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 (room 417)
 Section C
 (room 344)
A. V. Greshnov, Existence theorems in (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces
V. P. Golubyatnikov, Geometry and combinatorics of phase portraits of gene networks models
A. E. Mironov, Integrable geodesic flows on 2-torus: formal solutions and variational principle
 Coffee break (30 minutes)
A. S. Romanov, About continuity of Sobolev functions on hyperplanes
N. A. Daurtseva, Kahler structures on S6 as sections of twistor bundle
V. N. Davletshina, New examples of commuting ordinary differential operators of rank two
N. A. Evseev, Composition operators on weighted Sobolev spaces on a Carnot group
D. N. Oskorbin, Investigation of homogeneous Ricci solitons using generalized J. Milnor's bases
S. V. Agapov, On integrable geodesic flow in magnetic field on 2-torus
M. V. Tryamkin, Estimates on the of families of curves for maps with weight limits (p, q)-distortion
E. S. Kornev, Affinor metric structures and characteristic vector fields
B. T. Saparbaeva, On eigenfunctions of one-dimensional Schrodinger operator with polynomial potentials
N. A. Chuesheva, Several linear and nonlinear equations of high order
A. G. Sedykh, Irreducible SO(3)-structure on five dimensional Lie groups
G. S. Mauleshova, One-point commuting difference operators of rank one

Friday, August 28
 Plenary talks (conference hall)
Yu. G. Reshetnyak, On stability in Bonnet's theorem from theory of surfaces
 Coffee break (20 minutes)
S. Nikčević, Homogeneity of Lorentzian three-manifolds with reccurent curvature
A. A. Kolpakov, Constructing hyperbolic four-manifolds: geometry, topology and combinatorics
 Lunch (90 minutes)
V. O. Manturov, On groups Gnk and their applications to geometry, topology and dynamical systems

 Section A
 (conference hall)
 Section B
 (room 417)
V. V. Slavsky, On some properties of conformally flat Riemannian metrics of non-negative curvature
A. E. Gutman, The existence problem of nonclosed Archimedean cones
 Coffee break (30 minutes)
A. V. Sherstobitov, How to determine by net of octahedron that its equator is flat?
V. S. Permikin, Christian von Staudt and his work on geometry
L. A. Mikaiylova, Analogs of Casey's theorem in hyperbolic and spherical geomerties
D. V. Permikin, On projective point of view at concept of absolutely rigid body
V. V. Aseev, Unique determination of three-dimensional convex polyhedral domains by relative conformal moduli of boundary condensers

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2015
Институт математики им. С. Л. Соболева СО РАН   Лаборатория квантовой топологии   Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований