Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk — 2022"

Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok
August 29 - September 2, 2022
Novosibirsk (Russia)


Agapov S. V. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk), On Hopf-type equations arising in the problem of integrable geodesic flows.

Alexandrov V. A. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk), How to decide whether two convex octahedra are affinely equivalent using their natural developments only.

Andreeva T. A. (Altai State University, Barnaul), On conformally killing fields on 2–symmetric lorentzian manifolds.

Basalaev A. A. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), BV-algebra of a hypersurface singularity.

Bogdanova R. A. (Gorno-Altaisk State University, Gorno-Altaisk), On the method of solving one system of functional equations when embedding geometries of two sets.

Buryak A. Yu. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow),

Bychkov B. S. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Double Hurwitz numbers, maps and topological recursion.

Chuesheva N. A. (Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo), On one nonlinear equation of the second order.

Dynnikov I. A. (Moscow State University, Moscow), Rectangular diagrams of surfaces and two-dimensional foliations in the three-sphere.

Fominykh E. A. (Saint Petersburg State University & PDMI RAS, Saint Petersburg),

Golota A. S. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Hilbert modular foliations and minimal model program.

Golubyatnikov V. P. (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk), Invariant surfaces and invariant foliations in phase portraits of block-linear dynamical systems.

Kazakov A. A. (Moscow State University, Moscow), Electrical networks and the positive part of Lagrangian Grassmannian.

Kaledin D. B. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Non-commutative crystal cohomology.

Kanel-Belov A. Ya. (Bar-Ilan University, Izrael & Moscow State University, Moscow), Quantization, polynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian problem.

Khromova O. P. (Altai State University, Barnaul), Ricci flow on three-dimensional metric Lie groups with a semisymmetric connection.

Kozlovskaya T. A. (Tomsk State University, Tomsk), Group of camomile type and the singular braid group.

Kyrov V. A. (Gorno-Altaisk State University, Gorno-Altaisk), Left-invariant metrics of some three-dimensional Lie groups.

Lisenkov D. S. (Kazan Federal University, Kazan),

Loginov K. V. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), K-stability of Fano varieties.

Medvedev V. O. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), The Morse index of a minimal surface of higher codimension.

Oganesyan V. S. (CRM, University of Monreal, Canada), Real algebraic varieties and Floer homology

Orlov A. Yu. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Institute of oceanology RAS, Moscow), Graphs, matrices and eigenvalue problems.

Osipov D. V. (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, NRU HSE, NUST MISIS, Moscow), Formal Bott-Thurston cocycle and determinantal central extension.

Ovcharenko M. A. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), On the classification of smooth weighted Fano complete intersections.

Polikanova I. V. (Altai State University, Barnaul), Enics are the only curves with affine-congruent arcs.

Przybylska M. (Institute of Physics, University of Zielona Gora, Poland), Non-integrability of relativistic homogeneous potential.

Sergeev A. G.( Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow), On mathematical aspects of the theory of topological insulators (on-line).

Shafarevich A. I. (Moscow State University, Moscow),

Talalaev D. V. (Moscow State University, Moscow), Oscillatory matrices and electrical networks.

Terzić S. (University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro), Orbit space $G_{n,2}/T^n$ and resolution of its singularities.

Tyurin N. A. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna and NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Inversion of operators and Lioville vector field topology.

Vikulova A. V. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Jordan constant for Cremona group of rank 2 over a finite field.

Voronov F. F. (University of Manchester, Manchester), Nonlinear homomorphisms of algebras of functions and homotopy Poisson brackets.

Vyugin I. V. (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Stepanov's method for subgroups and its applications.

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2022
Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok
International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms NRU HSE
   Sobolev Institute of Mathematics    Novosibirsk State University    Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok    International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms NRU HSE