Mal'tsev Meeting
Novosibirsk, August 24-28, 2009
Arrival and registration
Please, inform the organisers about your arrival date and flight/train number.
We will try to meet foreign participants who do not speak Russian at the
airport or at the main railway station. Upon arrival, look for people
holding signs with the title of the conference and/or your name.
Registration of participants will be organised
- at the foyer of the hotel on August 23 from 5 pm to 8 pm;
- at the foyer of the House of Scientists on August 24, from 9 am to 2-30 pm.
On Monday, August 24, all the events will be held in the House of Scientists
(Morskoi pr., 23). On the other days, all the events will be held in the
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (pr. akad. Koptyuga, 4).
Contributions in sections
The organisers hope that every room will be equipped with
- blackboard and chalk;
- computer and beamer.
Preliminary programme for sections will be available at the conference
webpages before the meeting. Please, confirm your talk and check the
necessary equipment at the registration on August 23-24.
Currency exchange and ATMs
There are about 20 ATMs and 6 exchange offices in Akademgorodok.
The ATMs work with Visa, Mastercard and some other popular credit
cards. US dollars and Euros can be easily exchanged into Russian
roubles, while the other currencies are useless in Akademgorodok.
Approximate exchange rates are the following: 1 USD = 31...32 RUR,
1 EUR = 44...45 RUR.
If you want to change cash into Roubles, please bring only new money,
having no defects, scratches, ink or other marks, holes, ultraviolet
defects, etc. Otherwise a bank may refuse to change your money or offer
you a reduced rate (usually about 90-92% of the original rate).
Never change money illegally at streets; your profit will be
tiny but you may be cheated!
Other useful information
Several computers for participants will be available in the
Institute of Mathematics. It is also possible to connect to
institute's free Wi-Fi inside the buildings of the institute.
The electric current in Russia is 220 V (50 Hz). Plugs and sockets are
the same as in the Continental countries of the European Union.
Time in Novosibirsk is 6 hours ahead of GMT.
Last update: August 13, 2009