Russian First Announcement Registration

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis of the Russian Federation

IIInd All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” (KONT-11)
with international participation
3–5 October, 2011 

First Announcement and Call for Papers

The focus of the conference is mathematical methods of data representation, data mining, construction of subject domains theories, Formal Concept Analysis, as well as methods of information extraction from texts in natural language.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. We also plan to publish selected papers in a special issue of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

Conference topics reflect the main stages of knowledge discovery process:

Data collection and pre-processing. Measuring. Accumulation of facts. Generation of preliminary description. Creation of empirical hypotheses. 

Discovering of regularities (knowledge) hidden in structured and unstructured data. Machine learning. Pattern recognition. Forecasting. Inductive reasoning (from numerical tables, signals, images, natural language texts, etc.).

Systematization of knowledge. Knowledge engineering. Generation of subject domain ontologies: technologies, applications.

Generation of subject domain theories. Formal Concept Analysis. Logical semantics of natural language. Fuzzy logic. Description of basic elements of a theory: axioms, hypotheses, general models, methods of analysis and synthesis.

Conference Program Committee:

Chair: Zhuravlev Y. I., Full Member of the RAS 
Co-Chairs: Prof. D. E. Palchunov and Prof. N. G. Zagoruiko

Ablamejko S. V. (Minsk, Belarus)
Cheremisina E. N. (Dubna, Russia)
Fedotov A. M. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Gavrilova T. A. (S.-Petersburg, Russia)
Gladun V. P. (Kiev, Ukraine)
Ganter B. (Dresden, Germany)
Herre H. (Leipzig, Germany)
Kalinichenko L. I. (Moscow, Russia)
Kleschov A. S. (Vladivostok, Russia)
Kolchanov N. A. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Kovalerchuk B. (Seattle, USA)
Kuznetsov S. O. (Moscow, Russia)
Lukashevich N. V. (Moscow, Russia)
Marchuk A. G. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Markov K. (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Samokhvalov K. F. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Sviridenko D. I. (Moscow, Russia)
Stepashko V. S. (Kiev, Ukraine)
Tarasenko Ph. P. (Tomsk, Russia)
Tselishchev V. V. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Vasenin V. A. (Moscow, Russia)
Vasiljev S. N. (Moscow, Russia)
Vityaev E. E. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Wolff K. E. (Darmstadt, Germany)
Zagorulko Yu. A. (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Zelger J. (Innsbruck, Austria)

Organizing Committee:

Palchunov D. E., Chair
Zagoruiko N. G., Chair 
Vlasov D. Yu., the scientific secretary 
Borisova I. À.
Pavlovsky E. N.                                 
Rjaskin A. N.
Salomatina N. V. 
Vasilenko N. M. 
Vityaev E. E. 
Yakhyaeva G. E.

The conference is planned to consist of plenary and session presentations, and discussions on chosen topics. Working languages are Russian and English.

Online registration

For registering, please fill and send us the registration form via email, with subject “participation”.

Submission details

Papers (up to 10 p. in PDF format) have to be submitted via email, with subject “thesis”.

Important dates

Abstract submission (papers and presentations):  April 30, 2011
Notification of papers acceptance/rejection:          July 1, 2011
Conference:                                                    October 3 – 5, 2011

Conference fee

The conference fee in the amount of 500 rubles/person (~11 €) should be paid in cash upon arrival at the conference. Students and post-graduate students are exempted from payment.

Sufficient hotels are available in Academgorodok and Novosibirsk.


© Sobolev Institute of mathematics, 2011