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1999, Vol. 2, No. 1

A. E. Gutman and A. V. Koptev
On the Notion of the Dual of a Banach Bundle ________________________________ 8
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 1, 46-98 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

Yu. L. Ershov
Near Regularly-Prüfer Rings ______________________________________________ 72
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 1, 1-45 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

V. I. Lotov and V. R. Khodzhibaev
On Limit Theorems for the First Exit Time from a Strip for Stochastic Processes. II ____ 121
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 8, N 4, 41-59 (1998).
Abstract: PDF

E. I. Ostrovski {\u\i}
Central Limit Theorem in the Space of Continuous Functions in the Case
of Convergence to a Stable Distribution _____________________________________ 140
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 3, 132-150 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

D. O. Revin
Hall π-Subgroups of Finite Chevalley Groups Whose Characteristic Belongs to π ______ 160
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 2, 25-71 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

Last page____________________________________________________________ 208

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