@phdthesis { Gutman19910619,
author = "Gutman A.E.",
school = "Sobolev Inst. Math., Novosibirsk",
type = "Dissertation; Ph.D. in mathematics: 01.01.01",
howpublished = "Manuscript",
title = "Representation of lattice-normed spaces and its applications",
year = "1991",
pages = "110",
doi = "10.13140/RG.2.2.24218.75205",
language = "russian",
annote = "Dissertation for a degree of Ph.D. in mathematics, speciality 01.01.01: mathematical analysis. The dissertation is prepared at the Department of Analysis and Geometry of the Institute of Mathematics SB AS USSR. Scientific adviser: D.Sc. A.G.Kusraev. Official opponents: D.Sc., professor A.A.Tolstonogov, Ph.D., associate professor I.A.Shvedov. Lead organization: Leningrad State University. The presentation happened on June 19, 1991 within a session of Speciality Council K 002.23.02 at the Institute of Mathematics SB AS USSR, address: Universitetskij ave., 4, Novosibirsk, 630090. Academic secretary of the council: Ph.D. V.V.Ivanov."