Gutman A.E., Kolesnikov A.S.
Banach--Kantorovich lattices [in Russian].
Textbook. Novosibirsk: Novosib. State Univ., 2000. 80 p.
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@book { Gutman19990919,
author = "Gutman A.E. and Kolesnikov A.S.",
note = "Textbook",
title = "Banach--Kantorovich lattices",
address = "Novosibirsk",
publisher = "Novosib. State Univ.",
year = "2000",
pages = "80",
language = "russian",
annote = "The paper continues the study related to lattice-normed spaces (LNSs) and their representations as spaces of sections. First of all, we speak of the notion of lattice-ordered LNS, i.e., an LNS endowed with an order which makes the LNS into a vector lattice and its norm, into a monotone function (with respect to the absolute value). Examples of such spaces include spaces of continuous, weakly continuous, measurable, weakly measurable, and Bochner-summable functions with values in Banach lattices, spaces of order-bounded lattice-valued functions, spaces of vector-valued measures of bounded variation with values in a Banach lattice, spaces of lattice-valued measures, as well as spaces of continuous and measurable sections of bundles of Banach lattices which are studied in the paper. As an application, the problem is considered of analytic representation of the conditional expectation operator."