@article { Gutman20111123, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "An example of using $\Delta_1$ terms in Boolean-valued analysis", journal = "Vladikavk. Math. J.", year = "2012", volume = "14", number = "1", pages = "47--63", doi = "10.23671/VNC.2012.14.10953", language = "russian", annote = "Syntactic tools related to $\Delta_1$ terms are demonstrated by application to Boolean valued analysis. As an example, the question is considered of what approaches to defining the field $R$ of reals and what complete Boolean algebras $B$ provide the explicit inclusion of $R^{\land}$ into $R$ inside the Boolean-valued universe $V^{(B)}$.", keywords = "set theory, conservative extension, real number, Boolean valued analysis, canonical embedding, $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebra, $\Sigma_1$ formula." }