Gutman A.E.
Object-oriented data as prefix rewriting systems //
Vladikavk. Math. J. 2015. V. 17, issue 3. P. 23–35.
A deterministic longest-prefix rewriting system is a rewriting system such that there are no rewriting rules X → Y, X → Z with Y ≠ Z, and only longest prefixes of words are subject to rewriting. Given such a system, analogs are defined and examined of some concepts related to object-oriented data systems: inheritance of classes and objects, instances of classes, class and instance attributes, conceptual dependence and consistency, conceptual scheme, types and subtypes, etc. A special attention is paid to the effective verification of various properties of the rewriting systems under consideration. In particular, algorithms are presented for answering the following questions: Are all words finitely rewritable? Do there exist recurrent words? Is the system conceptually consistent? Given two words X and Y, does X conceptually depend on Y? Does the type of X coincide with that of Y? Is the type of X a subtype of that of Y?
Keywords:prefix rewriting, term rewriting, object-oriented data system, information system, consistency verification, ontology of a data model.