@inproceedings { Gutman20131114, author = "Gutman A.E.", howpublished = "Электронная", title = "The technique of definable terms in Boolean valued analysis", booktitle = "Мальцевские чтения. Международная конференция (Новосибирск, 11--15 ноября 2013 г.): Тез. докладов", address = "Новосибирск", year = "2013", pages = "164", annote = "A syntax technique related to the notion of $\Delta_1$ term is demonstrated by means of its applications to Boolean-valued analysis. As an example, the following question is considered: Which of the classical approaches to the definition of the field $R$ of reals and which Boolean algebras provide the explicit inclusion of $R^{\land}$ in $R$ inside the Boolean-valued universe $V^{(B)}$?" }