@article { Gutman20131119,
author = "Gutman A.E. and Koptev A.V.",
title = "Continuous-discrete sections of bundles of Banach lattices",
journal = "Vladikavk. Math. J.",
year = "2013",
volume = "15",
number = "4",
pages = "14--18",
doi = "10.23671/VNC.2013.4.7330",
language = "russian",
annote = "The notion of a continuous bundle of Banach lattices is clarified and the order properties are studied of the space of $CD_0$-sections of such a bundle.",
keywords = "continuous Banach bundle, Banach lattice, bundle of Banach lattices, $CD_0$-section of a Banach bundle, Alexandroff duplicate"