@article { Gutman20131218, author = "Gutman A.E. and Koptev A.V.", title = "Finite dimensionality and separability of the stalks of Banach bundles", journal = "Sib. Math. J.", year = "2014", volume = "55", number = "2", pages = "246--253", doi = "10.1134/S0037446614020074", annote = "Topological characteristics are studied of the set of points at which the stalks of an ample Banach bundle over an extremally disconnected compact space are finite-dimensional or separable. A connection is established between finite dimensionality or separability of the stalks of a bundle and the analogous properties of the stalks of the ample hull of the bundle. A new criterion is obtained for existence of a dual bundle.", keywords = "continuous Banach bundle, ample hull, extremally disconnected compact space, $\sigma$-isolated point" }