Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I.
The inverse problem of chemical kinetics as a composition of binary correspondences [in Russian] //
Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2018. V. 15. P. 48–53.

Binary correspondences are employed for formalization of the notion of problem, definition of the basic components of problems, their properties, and constructions (the condition of a problem, its data and unknowns, solvability and unique solvability of a problem, inverse problem, and composition of problems). As an illustration, we consider a system of differential equations which describe a process in chemical kinetics. Within the study of the inverse problem, a criterion is established for linear independence of functions in terms of finite sets of their values.

Keywords:differential equation, chemical kinetics, inverse problem, linear independence, binary correspondence, solvability, composition.
Type Article
Form Electronic
Authors Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Kononenko Larisa Ivanovna
Title The inverse problem of chemical kinetics as a composition of binary correspondences
Journal Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports
Year 2018
Volume 15
Pages 48–53
DOI 10.17377/semi.2018.15.006
Language Russian
© 2017.12.04
Project  Problem formalism 
Use of binary correspondences for formalization of the notion of problem and related notions
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July 11, 2019