@inproceedings { Gutman20110701, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Prefix rewriting systems as object-oriented data models", booktitle = "Ershov Informatics Conference 2011. Knowledge and Ontologies *ELSEWHERE* 2011. The Third Workshop (Novosibirsk, July 1, 2011): Proceedings", address = "Novosibirsk", publisher = "Price-Courier", year = "2011", pages = "5--14", annote = "A deterministic longest-prefix rewriting system is a rewriting system such that there are no rewriting rules $X\rightarrow Y$, $X\rightarrow Z$ with $Y\ne Z$, and only longest prefixes of words are subject to rewriting. Given such a system, analogs are defined and examined of some concepts related to object-oriented data systems: inheritance of classes and objects, instances of classes, class and instance attributes, conceptual dependence and consistency, conceptual scheme, types and subtypes, etc. A special attention is paid to the effective verification of various properties of the rewriting systems under consideration. In particular, the algorithms are presented for answering the following questions: Are all words finitely rewritable? Do there exist recurrent words? Is the system conceptually consistent? Given two words $X$ and $Y$, does $X$ conceptually depend on $Y$? Does the type of $X$ coincide with that of $Y$? Is the type of $X$ a subtype of that of $Y$?", keywords = "prefix rewriting, term rewriting, object-oriented data system, information system, consistency verification, ontology of a data model" } @inproceedings { Gutman20121115, author = "Гутман А.Е.", howpublished = "Электронная", title = "Представление и анализ объектных данных посредством перезаписывающих систем", booktitle = "Мальцевские чтения. Международная конференция (Новосибирск, 12--16 ноября 2012 г.): Тез. докладов", address = "Новосибирск", year = "2012", pages = "26", annote = "В рамках детерминированных префиксных перезаписывающих систем вводятся и исследуются понятия, характерные для объектно-ориентированного подхода к организации данных: наследование классов и объектов, экземпляры классов, атрибуты классов и экземпляров, концептуальная зависимость и непротиворечивость, концептуальная схема, типы, подтипы и пр. Особое внимание уделяется эффективной проверке разнообразных свойств рассматриваемых систем." } @inproceedings { Gutman20140610, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Object-oriented data as prefix rewriting systems", booktitle = "Advanced mathematics, computations and applications -- 2014. International conference (Novosibirsk, June 8--11, 2014): Abstracts", address = "Novosibirsk", publisher = "Academizdat", year = "2014", isbn = "978-5-9904865-8-4", pages = "48", annote = "A new approach is suggested for representing and analysing object-oriented data by means of rewriting systems." } @article { Gutman20131017, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Object-oriented data as prefix rewriting systems", journal = "Владикавк. мат. журн.", year = "2015", volume = "17", number = "3", pages = "23--35", doi = "10.23671/VNC.2017.3.7260", annote = "A deterministic longest-prefix rewriting system is a rewriting system such that there are no rewriting rules $X\rightarrow Y$, $X\rightarrow Z$ with $Y\ne Z$, and only longest prefixes of words are subject to rewriting. Given such a system, analogs are defined and examined of some concepts related to object-oriented data systems: inheritance of classes and objects, instances of classes, class and instance attributes, conceptual dependence and consistency, conceptual scheme, types and subtypes, etc. A special attention is paid to the effective verification of various properties of the rewriting systems under consideration. In particular, algorithms are presented for answering the following questions: Are all words finitely rewritable? Do there exist recurrent words? Is the system conceptually consistent? Given two words $X$ and $Y$, does $X$ conceptually depend on $Y$? Does the type of $X$ coincide with that of $Y$? Is the type of $X$ a subtype of that of $Y$?", keywords = "prefix rewriting, term rewriting, object-oriented data system, information system, consistency verification, ontology of a data model" }