@article { Gutman19941102, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Locally one-dimensional K-spaces and $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebras", journal = "Siberian Adv. Math.", year = "1995", volume = "5", number = "1", pages = "42--48", annote = "It is known that all band preserving operators acting in a universally complete K-space are regular if and only if the K-space is locally one-dimensional. In addition, a K-space with base $B$ is locally one-dimensional if and only if $R^{\land}=R$ in $V^{(B)}$. It seems to have been unknown so far whether there exist nondiscrete locally one-dimensional K-spaces. In the present note we give a positive answer to the question. As an auxiliary result, we establish that a K-space is locally one-dimensional if and only if its base is $\sigma$-distributive.", keywords = "locally one-dimensional K-space, discrete K-space, $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebra, $\sigma$-inductive Boolean algebra, atomic Boolean algebra, regular operator, real numbers in a Boolean-valued universe" } @inproceedings { Gutman19940725, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Locally one-dimensional K-spaces and $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebras", booktitle = "Siberian Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Novosibirsk, July 25--29, 1994): Proceedings", address = "Novosibirsk", publisher = "IM SB RAS", year = "1997", volume = "1", pages = "103--108", language = "russian", annote = "It is known that all band preserving operators acting in a universally complete K-space are regular if and only if the K-space is locally one-dimensional. In addition, a K-space with base $B$ is locally one-dimensional if and only if $R^{\land}=R$ in $V^{(B)}$. It seems to have been unknown so far whether there exist nondiscrete locally one-dimensional K-spaces. In the present note we give a positive answer to the question. As an auxiliary result, we establish that a K-space is locally one-dimensional if and only if its base is $\sigma$-distributive." } @article { Gutman19950130, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Locally one-dimensional K-spaces", journal = "Proc. Acad. Sci.", year = "1997", volume = "353", number = "5", pages = "590--591", language = "russian", annote = "It is known that all band preserving operators acting in a universally complete K-space are regular if and only if the K-space is locally one-dimensional. In addition, a K-space with base $B$ is locally one-dimensional if and only if $R^{\land}=R$ in $V^{(B)}$. It seems to have been unknown so far whether there exist nondiscrete locally one-dimensional K-spaces. In the present note we give a positive answer to the question. As an auxiliary result, we establish that a K-space is locally one-dimensional if and only if its base is $\sigma$-distributive." } @article { Gutman19950131, author = "Gutman A.E.", title = "Locally one-dimensional complete vector lattices", journal = "Doklady Math.", year = "1997", volume = "55", number = "2", pages = "240--241", annote = "It is known that all band preserving operators acting in a universally complete K-space are regular if and only if the K-space is locally one-dimensional. In addition, a K-space with base $B$ is locally one-dimensional if and only if $R^{\land}=R$ in $V^{(B)}$. It seems to have been unknown so far whether there exist nondiscrete locally one-dimensional K-spaces. In the present note we give a positive answer to the question. As an auxiliary result, we establish that a K-space is locally one-dimensional if and only if its base is $\sigma$-distributive." } @booklet { Gutman20071210, author = "Gutman A.E. and Kusraev A.G. and Kutateladze S.S.", note = "Preprint / IAMI VSC RAS; N 3", title = "The Wickstead problem", address = "Vladikavkaz", year = "2007", pages = "44", doi = "10.13140/RG.2.2.22573.79849", annote = "In 1977 Anthony Wickstead raised the question of the conditions for all band preserving linear operators to be order bounded in a vector lattice. This article overviews the main ideas and results on the Wickstead problem and its variations, focusing primarily on the case of band preserving operators in a universally complete vector lattice.", keywords = "band preserving operator, universally complete vector lattice, $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebra, local Hamel basis, transcendence basis, derivation, Boolean valued representation" } @booklet { Gutman20071214, author = "Gutman A.E. and Kusraev A.G. and Kutateladze S.S.", note = "Electronic preprint / arXiv:0712.2378 [math.FA]", howpublished = "Electronic", title = "The Wickstead problem", address = "arXiv.org", year = "2007", pages = "44", annote = "In 1977 Anthony Wickstead raised the question of the conditions for all band preserving linear operators to be order bounded in a vector lattice. This article overviews the main ideas and results on the Wickstead problem and its variations, focusing primarily on the case of band preserving operators in a universally complete vector lattice.", keywords = "band preserving operator, universally complete vector lattice, $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebra, local Hamel basis, transcendence basis, derivation, Boolean valued representation" } @article { Gutman20080213, author = "Gutman A.E. and Kusraev A.G. and Kutateladze S.S.", howpublished = "Electronic", title = "The Wickstead problem", journal = "Sib. Electron. Math. Rep.", year = "2008", volume = "5", pages = "293--333", annote = "In 1977 Anthony Wickstead raised the question of the conditions for all band preserving linear operators to be order bounded in a vector lattice. This article overviews the main ideas and results on the Wickstead problem and its variations, focusing primarily on the case of band preserving operators in a universally complete vector lattice.", keywords = "band preserving operator, universally complete vector lattice, $\sigma$-distributive Boolean algebra, local Hamel basis, transcendence basis, derivation, Boolean valued representation" }