Topology I

The purpose of this course for undergraduate students is to introduce the concept of topology, topological spaces, and continuity. We will discuss basic properties of topological spaces, metric spaces, normal spaces and compact spaces.

Basic text book: J.R. Munkres, Topology, 2000. Chapters 2-8.
Classes on Tuesday, Thursday, 13:00 - 14:15; Room 22-307.
Office hours: Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00; 129-402 and by appointment.
Homework will be assigned on a (mostly) weekly basis, usually on Thursday .
There will be one midterm exam in class on April 24, and one final exam in class on June 17.
Grades: homework will be count for 20%, the midterm counts for 40%, and final also counts for 40%.
Teaching assistant: Kim Joonhyung, office: 27-411C, phone: 6270, email:

Homework assignments

Assignment #1, due Tuesday, March 18: Munkres $13: #2, #6, #7, #8.
Assignment #2, due Tuesday, March 25: Two problems and Munkres $16 #8, $17 #17.
Assignment #3, due Tuesday, April 8: Munkres $18 #5, $18 #7(a), $19 #7, $20 #4(a).
Assignment #4, due Tuesday, April 22: Munkres $23 #4, $24 #2, #3, #10.
Assignment #5, due Tuesday, May 6: Munkres $26 #7, $27 #6(b,d,e), $28 #2.
Assignment #6, due Tuesday, May 27: Munkres $31 #1, #2, $32 #3, #6, $33 #3.

Midterm exam: Problems
Final exam: Problems