Discrete location problems
Benchmark library
Competitive facility
location problem
Competitive facility location problem is a generalization of the simple plant location problem. Two competing sides called the Leader and the Follower sequentially open their facilities in order to maximize their profit obtaining from clients serving. Every client patronises only one facility, which is the most preferable for the client. The problem is to determine the set of facilities to be opened by the Leader to maximize his profit provided that the Follower captures some clients.
Beresnev V.L. Local search algorithms for the problem of competitive location of enterprises // Automation and remote control, 2012, V. 73, N. 3, P. 425–439 (pdf | original russian text).
Beresnev V.L., Mel'nikov A.A. Approximate algorithms for the competitive facility location problem // Journal of applied and industrial mathematics, 2011, V. 5, I. 2, P. 180–190. (pdf | original russian text)