Victor Danilovich

Chief Scientific Researcher
at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Dr.Sci.(Phys.-Math.) since 1974,
Professor since 1977,
Corresponding member of RAS since 2003

V. D. Mazurov is a world's renowned mathematician, acknowledged specialist in group theory and its applications, the founder of the broadly known Novosibirsk school of finite and periodic groups, the author and co-author of 300 research papers. He solved, among many others, the following problems:

  • Thompson's problem on 2-signalizers in finite simple groups,
  • Janko's problem on the sporadic Rudvalis group,
  • The problem by Praeger and Shi on almost recognizability of finite groups by element orders,
  • Lyndon's problem on the classification of finite groups of outer automorphisms of free groups,
  • Brauer's problem on the intersection of Sylow subgroups in finite groups,
  • Borovik's problem on a possibility of generalization of the classic Baer–Suzuki theorem from finite to periodic groups.

He obtained a classification of finite nonsolvable groups all of whose solvable subgroups have 2-length one, made a crucial contribution to the classification of minimal permutation representation of finite simple groups, proved recognizability by spectrum of many finite and infinite groups, and established the local finiteness of several classes of periodic groups with various finiteness conditions.

Since 1975 until the present day, V. D. Mazurov has been one of the editors of the «Kourovka Notebook», a famous collection of unsolved problems in group theory. The questions in this collection were contributed by more than 500 scientists from around the world.

From 1986 to 2013, V. D. Mazurov was Head of the Laboratory of Group Theory at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. His scientific school, which consists of his students and his students' students, includes 15 researchers with a Dr.Sci. degree and 27 with a Ph.D.

From 2002 to 2012, V. D. Mazurov was Head of the Chair of Algebra and Mathematical Logic of the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics at Novosibirsk State University. His extensive teaching experience at the department resulted in the appearance of the textbook «Higher Algebra» published in 2020.

During more than 30 years V. D. Mazurov directed the SB RAS Public Committee for the Conduction of School Olympiads managing the organization of regional olympiads for schoolchildren in mathematics, physics, and chemistry in all regions of Siberia and the Far East.

  • contact address:
    • Prof. V. D. Mazurov,
    • Sobolev Institute
    • of Mathematics,
    • 4, Acad. Koptyug av.,
    • 630090 Novosibirsk,
    • Russia
    • +7 (383) 363-45-83
    • +7 (383) 333-25-98

Created: January 31, 2013