Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making"
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Dmitry Ivanenko  
Junior reseacher of the 
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Work Phone: +7 383 333 20 86,

ballblue.gif (80 bytes) Curriculum Vitae
ballblue.gif (80 bytes) Research interests
ballblue.gif (80 bytes) Teaching
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| Sobolev Institute of Mathematics | Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making" |

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dmitry Ivanenko
Date of birth: 07.01.1979
Place of birth: Khabarovsk, Russia
Marital status: married
Nationality: Russian


M.D. in Applied Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, 2002.
Advisor:Dr.Yuri Kochetov

Ph.D. Student of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Advisor: Dr.Alexandr Plyasunov


2005 - date  Junior reseacher of  Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making" of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

2002 - 2005  Ph.D. Student of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Advisor: Dr.Alexandr Plyasunov


Akademika Koptyuga pr.4,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.
Phone: +73 8323 32086,
Fax: +73 8323 32598


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Research interests

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Assistant Professor of  Novosibirsk State University
Seminar: Optimization Methods, Decision Making Theory.

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D. Ivanenko, Yu. Kochetov. Variable Neighborhood Branching Heuristic for the Multi-source Capacitated Facility Location Problem // 18th Mini Euro Conference on VNS. Extended Abstracts. Tenerife (Spain), 2005. 2 pp.

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. On a reduction of bilevel problems to vector problems // Proceeding of the 1st Asian International Summer School "First Asian International Workshop on Optimisation Problems of Complex Systems", Novosibirsk, 2005. P. 132-143.(in Russian)

D. Ivanenko. A hybrid branch-and-bound heuristics with local search for the multi-source capacitated facility location problem. Proceeding of 13-th Baikal International School-seminar "Optimization Methods and Their Applications", Irkutsk, Baikal, 2005, V.1, P. 477-483.(in Russian)

Yu. Kochetov, D. Ivanenko. Computationally difficult instances for the uncapacitated facility location problem. In: T. Ibaraki et al. (eds.) Metaheuristics: progress as real solvers, Springer, 2005, P. 351-367.

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. On lagrangean relaxations for the bilevel capacitated facility location problem with partial external finance. // Discrete Analysis and Operations Research, ser. 2, 2004. V. 11, N 2, P. 69 – 93. (in Russian)

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. Lower and upper bounds for the bilevel capacitated facility location problem with partial external finance. Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop “Discrete Optimization Methods in Production and Logistics "DOM'2004", Omsk-Irkutsk, 2004, p. 56-60.

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. Lower and upper bounds for the bilevel capacitated facility location problem with partial external finance. Proceedings of Russian conference "Discrete Analysis and Operations Research" , Novosibirsk, 2004, P. 143. (in Russian) 

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. The decompositiopn heuristic for the bilevel capacitated facility location problem with partial external finance. Proceedings of Russian conference "Optimization Problems and Economic Applications", Omsk, 2003, P. 91. (in Russian)

D. Ivanenko, A. Plyasunov. Lower and upper bounds for the bilevel capacitated facility location problem. Symposium on Operations research “OR 2003”, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003, p.127.

D. Ivanenko and A. Plyasunov. A polynomially solvable case for Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Partial External Finance. Conference on Mathematical Programming and Applications. Ekaterinburg. 2003 p.120-121 (Abstract).(in Russian)

D. Ivanenko and Yu. Kochetov. Hard Benchmarks for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. Conference on Discrete Analysis and Operations Research (DAOR'02), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2002. p.232 (Abstract). (in Russian)

E. Goncharov, D. Ivanenko, Yu. Kochetov, and N. Kochetova Benchmark Library: Discrete Location Problems. Proceedings of 12-th Baikal International Conference, v 1, Irkutsk, 2001, p.132-137. (in Russian)

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