S. L. Sobolev IM SB RAS. 2003 ã.
Main fields of research 

Theoretical Cybernetics

This line of research in the Institute of Mathematics was originated in the early 60’s by prominent scientists in the field of mathematical cybernetics Academician Yu. I. Zhuravlev and Corresponding Member of the USSR AS A. A. Lyapunov (1911-1973). Large interest to the problems of cybernetics, which was shown at that time, and also brilliant scientific and organizational capabilities of the leaders promoted fast growth of the collective of cyberneticists and formation of the following main directions:
  • discrete analysis;
  • operations research;
  • methods of combinatorial and discrete optimization;
  • graph theory;
  • theory of programming;
  • mathematical biology;
  • mathematical linguistics.

Scientific contacts with collectives of cyberneticists from Moscow, Gor’kii, Kiev, Minsk, Sverdlovsk and other cities were actively maintained. Theoretical investigations being conducted were closely linked to applied works. Filling orders for various branches of national industry led to new real-life problems and a diversification of investigations.

At present, the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics consists of the following laboratories:

Investigations are carried on in the following main directions:

  • in the field of discrete analysis: synthesis and complexity of controlling systems, discrete metric spaces, combinatorics and coding theory, control and testing of discrete devices;
  • in the field of operations research: standardization and allocation, multilevel decision making, net planning and control, routing and packing, optimal synthesis and functioning of communication nets works, scheduling theory;
  • in the field of graph theory: coloring problems, investigation of planar graphs and various characteristics of graphs;
  • in the field of methods of optimization and optimal control: design and analysis exact and approximation algorithms with estimates for solution of discrete extremal problems, construction of quasioptimal solutions for problems of optimal control.
    Many results were published in volumes of proceedings of the Institute “Discrete Analysis”, “Upravlyaemye Systemy” and in the journal “Discrete Analysis and Operations Research”.

Research scientist of the Department carry on teaching work at the Theoretical Cybernetics, Department of NSU (Novosibirsk State University). Over 500 undergraduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics did research and practical work in the Department. The best of them became research scientists of the Institute of Mathematics, defended candidate and doctor theses.

The Department was repeatedly an organizer of all-Union and international conferences on problems of theoretical cybernetics and operations research.

© 2004, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk
     Omsk Branch of the Institute