S. L. Sobolev IM SB RAS. 2003 ã.
Main fields of research 


In 1962, a laboratory was organized in the Institute; and one of the tasks of that new laboratory was to develop external devices of computers, in particular, devices for information exchange between a man and computer. Main attention was paid to means of intercourse with computer with the aid of devices of recognition and synthesis of speech signals. Some time later this laboratory headed by doctor of technical sciences N. G. Zagorujko grew into one of leading scientific schools in the field of speech technologies. On its basis, a unique scientific-organizational formation emerged: All-Union summer school-workshop on the problem “Automatic recognition of hearing Patterns” (ARHP), which joined efforts of specialists working over problems of speech communication in various scientific fields: philologists, physiologists, psychologists, engineers, and mathematicians. In the period from 1965 till 1972, 17 schools-workshops ARHP were held, and representatives of more than 150 organizations took part in them. The results of the Laboratory in the field of speech investigations were marked in 1992 by the First Diploma on the competition of works in the field of speech recognition and synthesis that was held by Hewlett-Packard among collectives from the USSR and countries of East Europe.

Investigations of problems of speech recognition naturally grew into investigations of general problems of Pattern recognition. Then it became clear that the problem of recognition is just one of the problems of a wider and new field of applied mathematics, field of Data Mining. The basis of this field is mathematical methods of automatic discovering of regularities concealed in large volumes of information. Works in this direction developed in the frames of the Department of Informatics and are represented by a wide range of investigations and developments beginning from methodological foundations and mathematical problems, via algorithms and programs, to applied software used in geology, medicine, economics, sociology, and many other fields.

Applied software package OTEKS for analysis of experimental and statistical data was handed over for usage to more than 100 organizations. Versions of this package were awarded two silver medals of the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements of the USSR.

Scientific results obtained in the collective served as a basis for many doctor and candidate theses. Several researchers who worked or now work in the Department became doctors of sciences: G. Ya. Voloshin, G. S. Lbov, K. F. Samokhvalov, V. I. Kotjukov, D. I. Sviridenko, A. V. Kel’manov, Yu. A. Ustjugov. Candidates of sciences V. D. Gusev, V. A. Skorobogatov, V. N. Elkina, L. I. Makarov, E. P. Zolotukhin, and others work fruitfully and head scientific collectives. Many learners of our scientific school work in New Independent States and foreign countries: Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, USA, Israel, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand.

Discovering of regularities (machine learning) is the central problem in the field of artificial intelligence. Developments of systems of artificial intelligence that are carried out in the Department, in particular, development of expert systems (ES), are connected with that problem. Instrumental system EKSNA was created, which allows to construct applied expert systems of new generation: expert systems of partner type (PS). PS can make profound analysis of data, extract knowledge from data, measure distances between knowledges, and on this basis automatically find contradictions between knowledges, structurize the knowledge base, simulate the human way of reasoning “by analogy”, etc.

Theoretical investigations are accompanied by solution of various applied problems both in those areas where information is presented in the form of tables “object-property-time” and in those ones where the source data have the form of real objects or processes. Here one has to know how to measure informational signs, gather tutorial material, and only then one can apply methods of data mining: classification, recognition, prediction, etc. Among such areas the following ones should be noted:

  • analysis and recognition of speech signals. In the recent time, the works in this direction are carried on under guidance of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences A. V. Kel’manov and are directed mainly at development of recognition methods that are stable with respect to strong acoustical noise and signal distortions in communication channels;
  • analysis of symbolic sequences. This work is headed by candidate of technical sciences V. D. Gusev. Effective methods of discovering of regularities in symbolic sequences of large length were developed; these methods are used in analysis of genetic and musical texts;
  • analysis of structured objects. Under guidance of candidates of technical sciences V. A. Skorobogatov and L. I. Makarov, methods for analysis the structure of molecules of organic compounds were developed, which allows to predict biological properties of compounds by peculiarities of their structure.

In recent time, works were begun in the Department over the problems of data and knowledge analysis arising in investigation of problems of sustainable development.

Now 15 researchers, including 3 doctors and 9 candidates of sciences, work in two laboratories of the Department.
Each year 8-10 students, magisters, and postgraduates of NSU (Novosibirsk State University) work on in the Department. Over 200 graduates of the Chair of Theoretical Cybernetics were prepared during the period of existence of the Department.

© 2004, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk
     Omsk Branch of the Institute