Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

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Main fields of research

The members of the Institute carry on fundamental investigations in mathematics, mathematical physics, and informatics in the following main directions:

algebra, theory of numbers, and mathematical logic;
geometry, topology, and functional analysis;
differential equations and mathematical physics;
probability and mathematical statistics;

numerical mathematics;
mathematical modeling and methods of applied mathematics.

At present, the staff of Institute is about 500 persons, including 334 researchers. The latter include 5 Academicians and 4 Corresponding Members of the RAS (Russia Acad. Sci.), 114 Doctors of Sciences and 204 Candidates of Sciences (Ph.D.). The Institute structure includes 10 departments that comprising 35 laboratories.

The investigations carried on at the Institute are supported by various domestic and interactive funds. In 2000, the Institute had 54 grants of the Russia Foundation for Basic Research, 8 grants of the Russia Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, 4 grants of the Federal Pilot Program “Integration”, etc. In the frames of the state program for support of leading scientific schools, the grants were allotted to 7 scientific schools headed by A.A. BorovkovYu.L. Ershov, M.M. Lavrent’ev, Yu.G.Reshetnyak, S.S. Goncharov, V.L. Beresnev and V.A. Vasil’ev. State scholarships for prominent scientists are awarded to 20 members of the Institute, and 9 men received state scholarships for young scientists.

The Institute participates actively in training of highly qualified scientific cadres in cooperation with the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Novosibirsk State University. The Sobolev Institute of Mathematics provides research facilities to the Chairs of algebra and mathematical logic, differential equations, applied mathematics, analysis, geometry and topology, probability theory, theory of functions, theoretical cybernetics, and higher mathematics.

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Webmaster: Olga Klimenko