S. L. Sobolev IM SB RAS. 2003 ã.
Main fields of research 

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

The Siberian school of differential equations and mathematical physics was founded by Academician S. L. Sobolev. It is headed by Academician S. K. Godunov at present. Investigations are carried on in laboratories of differential equations of mathematical physics, numerical aspects in problems of mathematical physics, differential equations and close points of analysis, temporary research group "Boundary value problems for differential equations" and laboratory of dynamical systems.

A new and quickly developing field of mathematical physics is formed by ill-posed problems. The Siberian school of ill-posed problems is headed by Academician M. M. Lavrent’ev.

Some research in theoretical physics is traditional from the formation of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.

© 2004, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk
     Omsk Branch of the Institute