S. L. Sobolev IM SB RAS. 2003 ã.
Main fields of research 

Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

The Laboratory was founded in 1959 by disciples of Academician N. N. Bogoliubov: D. V. Shirkov, the first head of the Laboratory, V. V. Serebryakov, and I. F. Ginzburg. Since 1970 until 2002 the Laboratory was headed by doctor of physical and mathematical sciences V. V. Serebryakov. Now the head of laboratory is Prof. N. N. Achasov.
At present, the staff of the Laboratory, including associated colleagues from Novosibirsk State University, is: doctors of physical and mathematical sciences V. V. Serebryakov, I. F. Ginzburg, N. G. Shestakov, V. G. Serbo (NSU); candidates of physical and mathematical sciences A. A. Kozhevnikov, D. Yu. Ivanov, G. V. Meledin (NSU), G. L. Kotkin (NSU); and also N. G. Pletnev, D. V. Serebryakova, and V. V. Gubin.

The Laboratory works in the field of high energy physics.

Main fields of research:

  • low energy scattering and production of hadrons, production of resonances in “soft processes”, production of hadrons in e+e- collisions;
  • theoretical study of physical processes at future photon-photon colliders, a program of physical research on colliders of very high energies;
  • investigations in the field of diffraction both at high energy hadron collisions and at deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nucleons;
  • study of mathematical foundation of the field theory and supersymmetric aspects of interaction of fields at very small length scales (of the order of the Planck length).

Members of the Laboratory closely co-operate with experimentalists and theorists from the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, with a number of scientific institutions of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, and Tomsk, regularly participate in all-Russia and international scientific conferences and workshops, carry on join work with physicists from Germany and Italy. A scientific seminar on theoretical physics is held in the Laboratory.
The researchers of the Laboratory published, since the Laboratory foundation, over 300 works in the most authoritative Russian and international journals.

© 2004, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk
     Omsk Branch of the Institute