Born March 6, 1931 in Moscow
2 children
Graduated from
Moscow University,
Postgraduated from
Steklov Mathematical Institute,
Doctor of Sciences 1963, Moscow
Professor of Mathematics, 1965
Full member of
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Academician), 1990
Head of Probability and Statistics Department of the
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Novosibirsk (Russian Academy of Sciences), since 1962
Head of
Probability and Statistics Chair
at the
Novosibirsk University
since 1966.
Deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk) 1980-1990.
Concelour of Russian Academy of Sciences
Awarded State Prize of the USSR (1979),
Markov Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Government Prize in Education
Other activities:
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Koptjug pr.4,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Tel: (+7-383) 333-34-98
limit theorems of probability theory,
functional limit theorems,
large deviations, asymptotical expansions
boundary-value problems for random walks
ergodicity and stability of random processes
theory of queueing systems
asymptotically optimal procedures of mathematical statistics
He published 10 monographs and textbooks for universities,
over 170 research papers, over 25 papers for encyclopaedia.
Stochastic processes in queueing theory (Nauka 1972, Springer-Verlag 1976)
Asymptotic methods in queueing theory (Nauka 1980, J. Wiley 1984)
Theory of Probability (Nauka, four different Russian editions
1972, 1980, 1986, 1999, and translations)
Probability Theory (several foreign editions;
the last one most updated is Gordon and Breach, 1998)
Mathematical statistics (estimation of parameters, testing hypotheses),
Nauka 1984
Mathematical statistics (additional chapters), Nauka 1984
Mathematical statistics, Nauka,
Institute of Mathematics Publisher, 1997
Mathematical statistics (Gordon and Breach, 1998);
see also books under same title in Freanch (Mir, 1987)
and Spanish (Mir, 1988)
Large deviations and testing statistical hypotheses (with A.A.Mogulskii),
Nauka, 1992, translated into English in SIBAM
Limit theorems for stochastic processes (with A.A.Mogulskii and A.I.Sahanenko),
Modern problems of Mathematics, v. 82, VINITI, 1995
Ergodicity and stability of stochastic processes. (Russian)
Editorial URSS, Institute of Mathematics Publisher, 1999
Ergodicity and stability of stochastic processes, J. Wiley, 1998
Selected papers
New limit theorems for boundary-valued problems for sums of independent
terms, Sib. Math. J., 1962, V. 3, N 5, P. 645-694
On the probabilities of large deviations in boundary- valued problems with
arbitrary boundaries. Teoria Verojatn. i Primen. (1963), V. 8, N 1, P.
Boundary-valued problems for random walks and large deviations in functional
spaces. Teoria Verojatn. i Primen. (1967), V. 12, N 4, P. 635-654
Convergence of distributions of functionals of random sequences and processes
defined on the real line, Proc. Steclov Math. Inst. 1974, V. 128, P. 43-72
Convergence of distributions of functionals of random processes, Russ.
Math. Surveys, 1972, V. 17, N 1, P. 3-41
On the rate of convergence for the invariance principle, Theory Probab.
Appl. 1973, V. 18, N 2, P. 217-234
Convergence of measures and random processes, Russ. Math. Surveys, 1976,
V. 31, N2, P. 1-69
(With A.A.Mogulskii) Probabilities of large deviations in topological spaces.
I. Siber. Math. J. (1979), V. 19, N 5, P. 988-1004.\\ II. Siber. Math.
J. (1981), V.21, N5, P. 12-26
Boundary-valued problems, the invariance principle and large deviations,
Russ. Math.Surveys, 1983, V. 38, N 4, P. 259-290
(With A.I.Sahanenko) On asymptotically
optimal tests for testing complex close hypotheses. Advances in Probability
Theory (English translation: Limit theorems and related problems. New York
(1984), P. 139-163
Ljapunov functions and ergodicity of multidimensional Markov chains. Theoria
Verojatn. i Primen. (1991), V. 36, N 1, P. 93-110.
(With D.A.Korshunov) Probabilities
of Large Deviations of one-dimensional Markov Chains. I. Stationary distributions.
Theory of Prob. Appl., V. 41, N 1 (1996), P. 3-30
On the Cramer transform, large deviations in boundary value problems, and
the conditional invariance principle, Siberian Math. J., Vol. 36, N 3 (1995),
P. 417-433
Limit theorems for the first passage time and position for
multidimensional random walk, Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Vol. 353, N 6 (1997), P. 711-713
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