Some problems concerned with large deviations of
the maximum of sums of independent identically
distributed random variables.// Soviet.Math.Dokl.
v.121 (1958) N1, P.13--15 (Select.transl.math.statist.probab.
- 1962. - Vol.2. - P.1-4).
Limit theorems on the distributions of maxima of
sums of bounded lattice random variables. // Theory
Probab.Appl. - 1959. - Vol.4, N4. - P.478-479.
Limits theorems on the distributions of maxima of
sums of bounded lattice random variables.I.// Theory
Probab.Appl. - 1960. - Vol.5. - P.137-171.
Limits theorems on the distributions of maxima of
sums of bounded lattice random variables.II.// Theory
Probab.Appl. - 1960. - Vol.5. - P.377-392.
Large deviations of the maximum of latticed
bounded random variables.//
Theory Probab.Appl. - 1961. - Vol.6, N 2. - P.244-245.
The problem of two samples.// Theory Probab. Appl.
- 1961. - Vol.6.- P.248.
On the distribution of maximum of sequentional
sums of random variables.// Theory Probab.Appl. - 1961. -
Vol.6. - P.375-376.
Local theorems and moments for maxima of sums of
bounded lattice components.// Theory Probab.Appl. - 1962.
- Vol.6. - P.99-101.
Asymptotic representations of generating functions
and limit theorems in boundary value problems.// Soviet
Math.Dokl. - 1962. - Vol.3 - P.414-414.
Asymptotic expansions and deviations in two samples
problem.// Proc. of 6 Meeting on Probab. and Statistics.
Vilnius. - 1962. - P.5-6.
On probabilistic statement of two economical
problems.// Soviet.Math.Dokl.- 1962. - Vol.146, N5. -
Some results of analysis of large deviations in
boundary problems // Soviet.Math.Dokl. - 1963. - Vol.151,
N2. - P.247-250.
On the probabilities of large deviations in
boundary-value problems with arbitrary boundaries.// Theory
Probab.Appl. - 1963. - Vol.8, N1.- P.114-115.
On discrete service systems // Theory Probab.Appl.
- 1963. - Vol.8, N3. - P.251-263.
A Tauberian theorems and some its applications.//
Proc. of 7 Meeting on Probab. and Stat.Tbilisy. - 1963. - P.7-8.
Tables for Smirnov test of homoginiuty of two
samples.// Novosibirsk. - 1964. - P.1-139 (With N.Markova,
Analysis of large deviations in boundary-value
problems with arbitrary boundaries.I.// Siberian Math.J. -
1964. - Vol.5, N2. - P.153-289. (Select.
transl.math.statist.probab. - 1966. - Vol.6. - P.218-256.)
Analysis of large deviations in boundary-value
problems with arbitrary boundaries.II.// Siberian Math.J. -
1964. - Vol.5, N4. - P.750-751.
(Select.transl.math.statist.probab. - 1966. - Vol.6. - P.257-274.)
Asymptotical methods in queueing theory.// Proc.of
Winter Meeting in Probab. and Statistics. Ushgorod. -
1964. - P.3-40.
Boundary value problems for some two-dimensional
random walks.// Theory Probab.Appl. - 1964. - Vol.9, N3.
- P.401-430. - (With B.A.Rogozin).
Remarks on Wiener's and Blackwell's theorems.//
Theory Probab.Appl.- 1964.- Vol.9, N2.- P.331-343.
Some problems on governed random processes.//
Siberian Math.J.- 1964.- Vol.5,- P.996-1006.
Some limit theorems in queueing theory.I // Theory
Probab.Appl. - 1965.- Vol.9, N4.- P.608-625.
Limit theorems for multi-channel queueing systems
in heavy traffic.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1964.- Vol.9, N2.-
Some limit theorems in queueing theory.II : Multi-
channels systems.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1965.- Vol.10,
N3.- P.409-437.
On the first passage time for one class of
processes with independent increments.// Theory
Probab.Appl.- 1965.- Vol.10, N2.- P.360-364.
On the results of asymptotic analysis in problems
with boundaries.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1965.- Vol.10,
N2.- P.255-266. - (With V.S.Koroljuk).
On the central limit theorem in multidimensional
case.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1965.- Vol.10, N1.- P.61-69.
Statistically optimal methods of stenocardy
diagnosis.// Proc. of 1 Novosibirsk conference on Math.
methods in biology and medicine. Novosibirsk.-
1965.- P.61-68.- (With K.Buteiko, N.Zaslavski,
Asimptotical analysis of some queueing systems.//
Theory Prob.Appl.- 1966.- Vol.11, N4.- P.675-682.
Some limit theorems on the distribution of
functionals of processes asymptotically close to Markov
processes.// Soviet Math.Dokl.- 1966.- Vol.169,
N.3. - P.507-510.
On conditions of convergence to diffusion
processes and on asymptotic method in queueing theory.//
Proc. of Math. Congress, Invided talks, Moscow.-
1966.- P.550-554. (Amer.Math.Soc., Transl.ser.II. 1968,
Vol.70, P.12-15.)
On A.Skorohod's book "Random Processes with
Independent Inereaments".// Theory Prob.Appl.- 1966.- Vol.11,
N3 - P.550-554.- (With S.Nagaev, B.Rogozin).
Boundary-value problems for random walks and large
deviations in functional spaces.// Theory Probab.Appl.-
1967.- Vol.12, N4.- P.635-654.
On limit laws for service processes in multi-
channel systems.// Siber.Math.J.- 1967.- Vol.8, N5.-
On the convergence to diffusion processes.//
Theory Probab.Appl.- 1967.- Vol.12, N3.- P.458-482.
On convergence of weakly dependent processes to
the Wiener process.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1967.- Vol.12,
N2.- P.193-221.
Some inequalities for sums of multidimensional
random variables.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1968.- Vol.13,
N1.- P.155-159.
Some renewal theorems and their applications.//
Siber.Math.J.- 1968.- Vol.9, N2.- P.249-254.
On asymptotically optimal non parametric criteria.
// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1968.- Vol.13, N3.- P.385-418.-
(With N.M.Sycheva).
On service processes in multi-channel systems.//
Theory Probab.Appl. - 1968.- Vol.13, N1.- P.180--183.
On the convergence conditions to diffusion processes
and asymptotic methods of queueing theory.// Amer.Math.Soc.,
Transl.Ser.II, 1968, v.70, p.12--15.
Some problems of mathematical statistics.//
Bull.Inst.Statist.Res.Training, Dacca. - 1968.- Vol.2,
N3.- P.30-34.
Lectures on probability.// Novosibirsk University.-
1969.- P.1-159.
Some theorems on convergence for processes.//
Proc.Soviet-Japanies symposium on probability,
Novosibirsk.- 1969.- Vol.1.- P.19-23.
On three types of conditions for convergence to
diffusion processes.// Soviet Math.Dokl.- 1969.- Vol.187,
N5.- P.974-977.
Factorization identities and properties of the
distribution of the supremum of sequential sums.// Theory
Probab.Appl.- 1970.- Vol.15, N3.- P.377-418.
Ergodic theorems for multi-channel service systems.
// Soviet Math.Dokl.- 1970.- Vol.194, N4.- P.743-746.
On asymptotically optimal nonparametric criteria.
// Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference.-
Cambridge, 1970.- P.259-266.- (With N.M.Sycheva).
Theorems on the convergence to Markov diffusion
processes.// Z.Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor. und verw.Geb.-
1970.- Bd.16, Hf.1.- S.47-76.
On the problem of pattern recognition.// Theory
Probab.Appl.- 1971.- Vol.16, N1.- P.132-136.
Stochastic processes in queueing theory.// Moscow.
Nauka.- 1972.- P.1-367.
Course on Probability.// Moscow, Nauka.- 1972.- P.1-287.
Notes on inequalities for sums of independent
variables.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1972.- Vol.17, N3.-
Some properties of the supremum of sums of
stationary related random variables.// Theory Probab.
Appl.- 1972.- Vol.17, N1.- P.147-150.
On estimates in the invariance principle.// Soviet
Math.Dokl.- 1972.- Vol.206, N5.- P.1037-1039.
Convergence of distributions of functionals of
random sequences and processes defined on the real line.
// Proc.Steklov Inst.Math.- 1974.- Vol.128.- P.43-72.
Convergence of distributions of functionals of
random processes.// Russ.Math.Surveys.- 1972.- Vol.27, N1.-
Continuity theorems for multi-channel systems with
refusals.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1972.- Vol.17, N3.-
Limit theorems for random walks with boundaries.//
Proc.6th Berkeley sympos. on mathematical statistics and
probability, Univ.Calif., 1970.- Berkeley, 1972.- Vol.3 ;
Probability theory.- P.19-30.
Convergence of random processes in non-separable
metric spaces and on non-existence of a Borel measure for
process in $C (0, \infty)$.// Theory Probab.Appl., 1973.- Vol.18,
N4.- P.812-815.
Criteria for wear convergence of nonnegative
measures, and $\sigma$ - topological spaces.// Soviet
Math.Dokl.- 1973.- Vol.208, N1.- P.18-20.(With
On the rate of convergence for the invariance
principle.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1973.- Vol.18, N2.-
Conditions for convergence to degenerated
processes.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1973.- Vol.18, N3.-
General theorems of convergence for random
processes.// Proc. 2nd Japan-USSR sympos. on probability
theory, Kyoto, 1972.- Berlin, 1973.- P.7-15.- (Lect.notes
math.: 330).- (with E.A.Pecherskii).
Weak convergence of measures and random processes.
// Z.Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor. und verw.Geb.- 1973.-
Bd.28, N1.- S.5-22.- (with E.A.Pecherskii).
Rachunek Prawdopodobienstwa.// Warsawa, PWN.- 1975.- 266 p.
Asymptotically optimal tests for compound
hypotheses.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1975.- Vol.20, N3.- P.463-487.
On a walk in a strip with inhibitory boundaries.//
Math.Notes.- 1975.- Vol.17, N4.- P.649-657.
On the rate of convergence and large deviations in
the invariance principle.// Adv.Appl.Probab.- 1979.-
Vol.11.- P.260-261.
On the rate of convergence in invariance principle
in probability spaces.// Proc. of 12th European meeting
of statisticians, Varna.- 1979.- P.6-7.- (With
Asymptotic methods in queueing theory.// Moscow,
Nauka.- 1980.- 381 p.
Asymptotic behaviour of the number of free servers
for systems with refusals.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1981.-
Vol.25, N3.- P.449-463.- (With I.S.Borisov).
Rao-Cramer type inequalities for Bayesian risk.//
Theory Probab.Appl.- 1980.- Vol.25, N1.- P.207-209.-
(With A.I.Sahanenko).
Probabilities of large deviations in topological
spaces.II.// Siber.Math.J.- 1981.- Vol.21, N5.- P.12-26.-
(With A.A.Mogul'skii).
Estimates for mean square risk.// Probab. and
Math.Statist.- 1980.- Vol.1, N2.- P.185-195.- (With
On estimates of the rate of convergence in the
invariance principle for Banach spaces.// Theory
Probab.Appl.- 1981.- Vol.25., N4.- P.734-744.- (With
Rate of convergence and large deviations in
invariance principle.// Proc. of the world.Congr. of
mathematicians, Helsinki, 1978.- Helsinki, 1980.- Vol.2.-
Limit distribution for oscillating random walk.//
Theory Probab.Appl.- 1980.- Vol.25, N3.- P.663-665.
On asymptotically optimal tests for close
hypotheses.// Proc. of 3-th Vilnius conference on probab.
and statistics. Vilnius.- 1981.- Vol.3.- P.43-46.
On asymptotically optimal estimates for the
density.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1981.- Vol.26.. N3.- P.640-641.
On asymptotically optimal tests for the close
hypotheses. Theory Probab.Appl.- 1982.- Vol.27.- P.200-201.
On asymptotically optimal tests for testing
complex close hypotheses.// Advances in probability
theory. Limit theorems and related problems.- New York,
1984.- P.139-163.- (With A.I.Sahanenko).
Rate of convergence in invariance principle.//
Proc. of 4-th Soviet-Japanies meeting on Probab. and
Statistics. Tbilisy.- 1982; Berlin.- 1983.- P.59-66.
(Lect.notes, math. P.1021).- (With A.I.Sahanenko).
Boundary-value problems, the invariance principle
and large deviations.// Russ.Math.Survey.- 1983.-
Vol.38, N4.- P.259-290.
On consistency of maximum likelihood estimates.//
Theory Pribab.Appl.- 1983.- Vol.28, N3.- P.604-605.
On an inequality and a related characterization of
the normal distribution.// Theory probab.appl.- 1984.-
Vol.28, N2.- P.219-228. (With S.A.Utev)
On the rate of convergence in invariance principle.
// Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics:
Proc.4-th USSR-Jap.sympos., Tbilisi, 1982.- Berlin a.o.,
1983.- P.59-66.- (Lect.notes math.: 1021).- (With
On an enequality, connected with a normal
distribution.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1983.- Vol.28, N3.-
On 80-th birthday of A.N.Kolmogorov.// Nauka in
Siberia.- 1983.
Asymptotic of the coefficients of factorized
Eulerian polynomial.// Siber.Math.J.- 1985.- Vol.26.-
P.16-22.- (With V.I.Lotov, A.I.Sahanenko).
Mathematical statistics. Additional chapters.//
Moscow, Nauka, 1984.- 143 p.
Random walks.// Math.encyclopaedia, Moscow.- 1985.-
Vol.5.- P.12-15.
Large deviations for some classes of functionals
and their applications.// Proc.of 4-th Vilnius
conference, Vilnius.- 1985.- Vol.4.- P.48-50.- (with
Probability theory.// Moscow, Nauka.- 1986.- 431 p.
Second-order approximation of random polynomial
lines in the Donsker-Prokhorov invariance principle and
some applications.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1986.- Vol.31,
N2.- P.179-202 (With I.S.Borisov).
Second-order approximation of random polynomial
lines in the Donsker-Prokhorov invariance principle and
some applications.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1987.- Vol.31,
N3.- P.416-417.- (With I.S.Borisov).
Limit theorems for queueing networks.I.// Theory
Probab.Appl.- 1987.- Vol.31.- P.413-427.
Uniform large deviations theorems for random
vectors.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1986.- Vol.31, N2.- P.413-
414.- (With A.A.Mogul'skii).
Ergodicity and some limit theorems for queueing
networks.// Theory Probab.Appl.- 1986.- Vol.31, N2.- P.414-
On accuracy of approximation in invariance
principle.// I World Congress of Bernoulli Soc. on Probab.
and Statistics.- 1986.- Vol.2.- P.815-816.
Asymptotic analysis of communication networks. //
Soviet Math.Dokl.- 1987.- Vol.296, N5.- P.1033-1038.
Statistique Mathematique.// Mir.- 1987.- 600 p.
Limit theorems for queueing networks.II.// Theory
Probab.App.- 1987.- Vol.32, N2.- P.282-298.
Estatistique mathematica.// Mir.- 1988.- 599 p.
On Ergodicity and stability of the sequence
$w(n+1)=f(w(h),z(n))$. Applications to communication
networks.// Theory of Probab. and Appl.- 1988.- Vol.33,
N4.- P.641-658.
Collection of problems in Mathematical Statistics
(with soauthors).// Novosibirsk University.- 1989.
On probabilities of small deviations for
stochastic processes (with Mogul'skii), Proceedings of
the Institute of Math.- 1989.- Vol.13.- P.147-168
(translated in SIBAM).
To the memory of S.L.Sobolev (with soauthors).//
Siber.Math.J.- 1989.- Vol.30, N3.- P.214-216.
The phenomena of asymptotic stabilisation for
noncentralized algorithm ALONA. Diffusion Approximation.//
Problemi Peredachi Infor.- 1989.- Vol.25, N1.- P.55-64.
Ergodicity and stability of multidimensional
Markov chains.// Theory of Prob. and Appl.- 1990.- Vol.35,
N3.- P.543-547.
Ljapunov functions and ergodicity of
multidimensional Markov chains.// Theory of Prob. and
Appl.- 1991.- Vol.36, N1.- P.93-110.
Ergodicity conditions of Markov chains not
connected with Harris irreducability.// Siber.Math.J.-
1991.- Vol.32, N4.- P.6-19.
On the ergodicity of iterations of random Lipshiz
transformations.// Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences.-
1992.- Vol.324, N2.- P.249-251.
Transient phenomena for Markov chains and
Application (with Fayolle,
Korshunov).// Adv.Appl.Prob.-
1992.- Vol.24.- P.322-342.
Stochastically recursive sequences and their
generalizations (with Foss).// Proceedings of Inst. of
Math.- 1992.- P.3-80 (translated into English in SIBAM,
1992.- N1.- P.16-81).
Large deviations and statistical invariance
principle (with Mogul'skii).// Theor. Prob. and Appl.-
1992.- Vol.37, N1.- P.11-18.
Large Deviations and Testing Statistical
Hypotheses (with Mogul'skii).// Novosibirsk, Nauka.- 1992.-
224p. (Translated into English in SIBAM, 1992, Vol.2,
NN3,4; 1993, Vol.3, NN 1,2).
Estimates for the distribution of stopped sums of
random variables (with Utev).// Theor.Prob. and Appl.
- 1993, Vol.38, N2.
Ergodicity of a polling network (with
Schassberger).// Stoch.Proc.Appl., 50(1994), P.253-262.
Ergodicity of Jackson network with batch arrivals
(with Shcassberger).// J.Appl.Prob., 31 (1994), P.847-853
Two ergodicity Criteria for Stochastically
Recursive Sequences (with Foss).// Acta Applicandae
Mathematicae, 34 (1994), P.125-134.
Ergodicity in a sence of weak convergence,
equilibrium-type identities and large deviations for
chains.// Prob.Theory and Math,Stat. VSP/TEV, 1994, P.89-98.
Local and Integral Theorems on Large deviations
for maximum point of random fields (with A.A.Mogul'skii).//
Siber.Adv.Math., 1994, v. 4, N3.- P.1-42.
On Cramer Transform., Large Deviations in
Boundary-value Problems and Conditional Invariance
Principle.// Sib. Math.J., 1995, v.3, pp.493-509.
Sharp exponential estimates for the distributions
of sums of random number of random variables.// Theory of
Prob. Appl., v.40.- 1995.- N 2, pp.260--269.
Limit Theorems for stochastic processes. Monograph.-
- 200p. (with Mogul'skii, Sachanenko).//
Series "Modern problems of Mathematicks", V.82, 1995, VINITI,
Asymptotic expansions for functionals of
dilation of point processes. Journal of Applied Probab., 1996,
V.33, P.573-591.
The scond deviation function and the asymptotic problems
of renewal and hitting the boundary for multidimensional random
walks. (with A.A.Mogulskii).// Siberian Math.J., V.37, N 4 (1996),
P. 745--782.
Large deviation probabilities for one-dimensional Markov chains. I:
Stationary distributions. (English. Russian original)
[J] Theory Probab. Appl. 41, No.1, 1-24 (1996); translation from Teor.
Veroyatn. Primen. 41, No.1, 3-30 (1996)
(with D. A. Korshunov).
PS-file in Russian is available (ZIPed).
Large Deviations for Stationary Markov Chains in a
positive quarter plane (with A.A.Mogul'skii). Proceedings of
Japanies-Russian conference.// Tokyo, 1995, 12p.
On the limit conditional distributions, connected
with large deviations.// Sib.Math.J., V.37, N 4 (1996), P.732--744.
On boundedness of Stochastic Sequences and
Estimates of their Moments.// Siber.Adv.Math., 1997, V. 7, N 3, P. 8--19.
An asymptotic exit problem for multidimensional Markov
chains.// Markov processes and related fields, 1997.
On the stability of the
single-server retrial queues (with Altman).// Queueing Systems, 1997.
Limit Theorems for the first hithing time and position
of multidimensional, random walk.// Doklady of Russian Academy of
Science, 1997, V.353, N6, P.711--713.
Universal Integro-local limit Theorems for sums of
random vectors. (with A.A. Mogulskii).// Theory. Prob.Appl., 1997, V.42,
Ergodicity of polling network with infinite number of
stations (with R.Schassberger and
D.Korshunov).// Queueing Sistems
(to appear).
Mathematical Statistics.// Monograph.- 700p., Gordon and
Breach Publ. (to appear in 1997).
Ergodicity and Stability of Stochastic Processes.//
Monograph.- 500p. J.Wiley (to appear).
On large tandem quueing systems (with F.Baccelli, J. Mairesse)
(to appear).