I will survey various aspects of the greedy lattice animals model.
Let , and let be an i.i.d. family of non-negative random variables, with common distribution . For a finite subset of , the weight of is defined by
A greedy lattice animal of size is a connected subset of of size containing the origin, whose weight is maximal among all such sets. Let be this maximum weight.
This model has a variety of applications in percolation, statistical physics and queueing theory. It was introduced by Cox, Gandolfi, Griffin and Kesten, who showed that if
then there exists an such that I will present a rather simpler argument to give (1) under the slightly weaker condition that
and to give the bound
for some constant independent of .
Further topics include: large deviations for ; extensions to cases where may be negative; continuity of as a function of .
I will mention related models including greedy lattice paths and directed last-passage percolation, and also various associated open problems.