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The conference "Algebra, geometry and algebraic geometry"(December 18-19, 2022, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, room 417) |
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok organize The conference ''Algebra, geometry and algebraic geometry'', dedicated to the memory of Alexander Ananin. The conference will be held in a mixed format. The first day of the conference (December, 18) was held online: Video recording |
Ì.V. Belolipetsky (IMPA, Áðàçèëèÿ) I.À. Cheltsov (The University of Edinburgh, Scotland) À.Å. Mironov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia)
E.Yu. Amerik (HSE, Moscow), Algebraically coisotropic submanifolds of holomorphic symplectic manifolds.
C. Araujo (IMPA, Brazil), Birational Geometry of Calabi-Yau Pairs.
I.B. Gorshkov (IM SB RAS, Novosibirsk), On axial algebras of Jordan type.
D.Î. Korshunov (IMPA, Brazil), On the symplectic geometry of deformations of polyhedral surfaces.
Ê.V. Loginov (HSE, Moscow), On regularity of Fano varieties.
D.V. Osipov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, HSE, Moscow), Local decompositions for differences of Euler characteristics
of vector bundles on algebraic surfaces.
J. Park (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, Korea), Factoriality of double solids: revisited.
Ê.À. Shramov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow), p-Jordan exponent of a group.
A.S. Trepalin (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow), Classification of pointless del Pezzo surfaces of degree 8.
N.À. Tyurin (HSE, Moscow), Special Bohr - Sommerfeld geometry: new results.
Ì.S. Verbitsky (IMPA, Brazil), Quasimorphisms with values in noncommutative groups.
© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2022 | |||