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Special issue of journal

Organizing committee invite all participants to submit full text papers for a special issue of the journal "Discrete Analysis and Operations Research".

According a preliminary agreement, the special issue will be translated in English and printed in the journal "Discrete Applied Mathematics".

The papers should be submitted before June 30, 2000

to Kochetov Yuri,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
pr.Akademika Koptyuga, 4 Novosibirsk,
630090, Russia
or by e-mail daor@math.nsc.ru

Home ball.jpg (894 bytes) General Information ball.jpg (894 bytes) Sections ball.jpg (894 bytes) Registration ball.jpg (894 bytes) Important Dates
Abstracts ball.jpg (894 bytes) Program committee ball.jpg (894 bytes)
Spesial issue ball.jpg (894 bytes) Plenary lectures
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Program ball.jpg (894 bytes) Social program ball.jpg (894 bytes) About Akademgorodok