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General Information

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Russian scientific society of Operations Research,
Association of Mathematical Programming,
Moscow State University

organize from June 26 to July 1, 2000

"Siberian Conference on Discrete Analysis and Operations Research" (DAOR'2000).

The objective of conference is to bring together researchers in discrete analysis and operations research, to exchange knowledge, to review successes and problems, to identify promising research avenues and application domains, to foster new collaborations.

The Conference will be held in Novosibirsk Academic town under the
sponsorship of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. We welcome you to
participate in the Conference. Registration of participants will start on Sunday,
June 25, 2000, morning in the hotel "Zolotaya Dolina". Participants arriving at
Tolmachevo airport may take a shuttle bus No 108 from the airport to the hotel
"Zolotaya Dolina". The bus leaves about every 1 hour. Participants arriving at the
railway station "Novosibirsk-Glavnyi" may take a route taxi No 15 or bus No 622
from the station to the bus station "Tsvetnoi proezd" (terminal).

Conference registration fees - 100 rubles. Please buy return tickets in advance. The
Organizing Committee intends to refund partially participants' local and travelling


Important dates

Abstracts per mail
Abstracts per e-mail
Preliminary program
March 1, 2000
April 1, 2000
April 15, 2000
May 15,  2000

Mailing Address

Prof. V.Beresnev
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
pr.Akademika Koptyuga, 4
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Tel: (3832) 33 20 86
Fax: (3832) 33 25 98
e-mail daor@math.nsc.ru


Home ball.jpg (894 bytes) General Information ball.jpg (894 bytes) Sections ball.jpg (894 bytes) Registration ball.jpg (894 bytes) Important Dates
Abstracts ball.jpg (894 bytes) Program committee ball.jpg (894 bytes)
Spesial issue ball.jpg (894 bytes) Plenary lectures
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Program ball.jpg (894 bytes) Social program ball.jpg (894 bytes) About Akademgorodok