International Conference

Discrete Optimization and Operations Research

Vladivostok  ·  Russky Island  ·  Russia  ·  September 19 - 23, 2016


Russian page

Home Information
for  Participants
Important  Dates Plenary speakers Committees Registration Contacts


Paper Submission


Proceedings will be prepared as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer to the beginning of the conference. The papers with new unpublished results should be submitted by the EasyChair system


The submission deadline is  April, 15, 2016    May, 3, 2016.  Each participant can submit a paper in one of the following formats:

- Regular paper, 10–14 pages;

-     - Short communication, 6–8 pages;

-     - Poster presentation, 4 pages (for conference presentation only).


All papers will be reviewed according to standard procedure for scientific publications.

The articles accepted in the program of conference but, based on the advice received, not included in  volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science, will be published in the suplementary electronic volume of SEUR-WS  (also indexed in Scopus).

Accepted papers will be included into the Program if at least one author takes part at the conference and pays the conference fee. All papers must be prepared by Springer rules for the LNCS:





© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Last reduction 03.06.2016