Far Eastern Federal University
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Siberian Branch of RAS
Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod

International Conference on

Discrete Optimization and Operations Research

Vladivostok  ·  Russky Island  ·  Russia  ·  September 19 - 23, 2016

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Previous Conferences










This is the 9th conference on discrete optimization and operations research. The previous conferences took place in the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004.  The 6th conference was held in the Russian Far East in the picturesque place on the shore of the Japanese Sea near Vladivostok in 2007. The 7th one was held in Mountain Altay in 2010. The 8th one took place in Novosibirsk again.

This conference will be held in Russky Island at the Far Eastern Federal University Campus.

DOOR is a part of series of annual international conferences on optimization and operations research that covers a wide range of topics in mathematical programming and its applications, integer programming and polyhedral combinatorics, bi-level programming and multi-criteria optimization, optimization problems in machine learning and data mining, discrete optimization in scheduling, routing, bin packing, locations, and optimization problems on graphs, computational complexity and polynomial time approximation. 

The main purpose of the conference is to provide a forum where researchers can exchange ideas, identify promising directions for research and application domains, and foster new collaborations.

Main Topics        

Mathematical models and methods for decision making

Mathematical programming

Integer programming and polyhedral combinatorics

Bilevel programming and multicriteria optimization

Optimization problems in machine learning and data mining

Discrete optimization in scheduling, routing, bin packing, locations, and optimization problems on graphs

Computational complexity and polynomial time approximation

Applications of operations research


Registration Fee:     regular - 5000 rub.  student - 3000 rub.

English and Russian   are the working languages of the Conference


Important Dates

Paper submission 

 April, 15, 2016    May, 3, 2016

Notification of acceptance

 June, 1, 2016

Payment of the registration fee

July, 1, 2016

Camera ready version

July, 1, 2016

Preliminary program

September, 1, 2016


September, 19-23, 2016



Co-Chairs of Program Committee:

Professor Evgeny Nurminski (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

Professor Vladimir Beresnev (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

Professor Panos Pardalos (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, University of Florida, USA)

Program Committee:

Prof. Edilkhan Amirgaliev (Kazakhstan)

Prof. Oleg Burdakov (Linköping, Sweden)

Prof. Igor Bykadorov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Yair Censor (Haifa, Israel)

Prof. Emilio Carrizosa (Sevilla, Spain)

Prof. Vladimir Deineko (Warwick, United Kingdom)

Prof. Stefan Dempe (Freiberg, Germany)

Prof.  Florian Jaehn (Augsburg, Germany)

Prof. Edward Gimadi (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Alexandr Grigoriev (Maastricht The Netherlands)

Prof. Anton Eremeev (Omsk, Russia)

Prof. Adil Erzin (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Akademician RAS Yury Evtushenko (Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Alexander Kononov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof.  Josef Kallrath (Darmstadt, Germany)

Prof. Valery Kalyagin (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Prof. Oleg Khamisov (Irkutsk, Russia)

Prof. Mikhail Khachay (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Prof. Andrey Kibzun (Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Alexandr Kelmanov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Alexandr Kolokolov (Omsk, Russia)

Prof. Yury Kochetov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Mikhail Kovalyov (Minsk, Belarus)

Prof. Nikolay Kuzyurin (Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Bertrand M-T. Lin (Hsinchu, Taiwan)

Prof. Bertrand Mareschal (Bruxelles, Belgium)

Prof. Athanasios Migdalas (Luleå, Sweden)

Prof. Nenad Mladenovic (Belgrad, Serbia)

Prof. Urfat Nuriyev (İzmir, Turkey)

Prof. Alexander Plyasunov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Artem Pyatkin (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Soumyendu Raha (Bangalore, India)

Corr.-member RAS Konstantin Rudakov (Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Yaroslav Sergeev (Rende, Italy)

Prof. Sergey Sevastianov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Vadim Shmyrev (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Prof. Petro Stetsuk (Kiev, Ukraina)

Prof. Alexandr Strekalovsky (Irkutsk, Russia)

Prof. Maxim Sviridenko (New York, USA)

Prof. El-Ghazali Talbi (Lille, France)

Akademician RAS Yury Zhuravlev (Moscow, Russia)



Organizing Committee

Chairs of Organizing Committee 

Natalia Shamry (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

Yury Kochetov (SIM, Novosibirsk)

Mikhail Khachay (IMM, Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Timur Medvedev (HSE, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Organizing Committee:

V. Beresnev (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

E. Nurminski (FEFU, Vladivostok)

V. Dostovalov (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

A. Velichko (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

E. Vorontsova (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

V. Djendjera (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

P. Kalashnikov (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

D. Kravtsov (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

N. Kochetova (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

P. Kononova (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

A. Melnikov (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

I. Davydov (SIM, Novosibirsk, Russia)

























E-mail door@math.nsc.ru




Organizing Committee DOOR-2016 (Novosibirsk)

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Akademika Koptyuga aven., 4
Novosibirsk. 630090. Russia


Nina Kochetova
E-mail: door@math.nsc.ru
Phone (383) 329-75-84

Fax (383) 333-25-98


Organizing Committee DOOR-2016 (Vladivostok)

Far Eastern Federal University
Campus FEFU, Russky Island,
Vladivostok, Russia


Natalia Shamray

Phone (+7423) 231-04-04

Fax (+7423) 231-04-39



© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Last reduction 03.11.2016