1 |
Yurii A Mezentsev |
Binary Cut-and- Branch
Method for Solving Linear Programming
Problems with Boolean Variables |
2 |
Chiang Kao |
Malmquist productivity
index for network production systems |
4 |
René Van Bevern, Rolf
Niedermeier and Ondřej Suchý |
A parameterized
complexity view on non-preemptively
scheduling interval-constrained jobs: few
machines, small looseness, and small slack |
6 |
Leonid D. Popov |
Parallel Newton's Methods
for Numerical Analysis of Improper Linear
Programming Problems with Block-Angular
Structure of Constraints |
7 |
Jen-Ming Chen and Chia-I Chang |
Managing Production
Quantity and End-of-Use Acquisition Effort
Decisions |
8 |
Alexander Dyda, Dmitry Oskin and Pavel Dyda |
An Application of Speed
Gradient Method to Neural Network Control
for Underwater Robot |
9 |
Gennady Zabudsky and Natalia Veremchuk |
About Local Optimum of
the Weber Problem on Line with Forbidden
Gaps |
11 |
Pinyagina |
On a Network Equilibrium
Problem with Mixed Demand |
12 |
Konnov and Olga Pinyagina |
Partial Linearization
Method for Network Equilibrium Problems with
Elastic Demands |
18 |
Galina Bouš, Oksana Kulikova, Svetlana
Neiman and Vitaly Shamis |
Markov Processes in
Modeling Life Cycle Of Economic Clusters |
19 |
Marina V. Polonik and Olga V. Dudko |
Selection of the Optimal
Parameters of the Process for Thermal Laser
Treatment of Metals for Creating the Molten
Pool with a Required Depth |
20 |
Robert Namm and George Tsoy |
Solution of contact
problem of elasticity based on iterative
proximal regularization method of modified
Lagrangian functional |
21 |
Valentina Bykova and
Soldatenko |
Adaptive landmark
selection when routing in time-depended
network |
22 |
Adil Erzin |
Cost-Effective Strip
Covering with Identical Directed Sensors |
23 |
Andrei Nikolaev |
On integer recognition
over some Boolean quadric polytope extension |
24 |
Prolubnikov |
Reduction of the graph
isomorphism problem to equality checking of
n-variables polynomials and the algorithms
that use the reduction |
25 |
Grenkin and Alexander Chebotarev |
Optimal Control for
Radiative Heat Transfer Model with Monotonic
Cost Functionals |
28 |
Evgeny Kuleshov, Konstantin Petrov and
Tatiana Kirillova |
Modeling the
Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on the Interval
Estimation of the Probability Distribution
Function |
30 |
Maxim Anop |
Using Graph Model to
Analyze the Topological Vulnerability of
Transport Infrastructure |
31 |
Vitaly Strusevich, Akiyoshi Shioura and
Natalia Shakhlevich |
Handling Scheduling
Problems with Controllable Parameters by
Methods of Submodular Optimization |
33 |
Tiago Schieber, Martín Ravetti and Panos
Pardalos |
A Review on Network
Robustness from an Information Theory
Perspective |
34 |
Yuriy Shmidt, Natalia Ivashina, Galina
Ozerova and Paul Lobodin |
Migration processes
modeling with cellular automation |
35 |
Xenia Klimentova, Anton Ushakov and Igor
Vasilyev |
The p-median problem with
order for two-source clustering |
36 |
Ananya Christman, Hamza Alsarhan, Davin
Chia, Shannia Fu and Yanfeng Jin |
A Two-Pass Algorithm for
Unordered Colored Bin Packing |
37 |
Zhong Wang, Shuping Zhao,
Zhiping Zhou, Jun Pei and Panos Pardalos |
A brand equity evaluation
method based on prospect theory and
intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number |
38 |
Tatyana Gruzdeva and Alexander Strekalovskiy |
One Approach to
Fractional Programming via D.C. Constraints
Problem: Local Search |
39 |
Andrei Orlov and
Alexander Strekalovsky |
On a local search for
hexamatrix games |
40 |
Anton Eremeev, Alexander Kelmanov and Artem
Pyatkin |
On a Quadratic Euclidean
Problem of Vector Subset Choice: Complexity
and Algorithmic Approach |
41 |
Valeriy Marakulin |
On the existence of
immigration proof partition into countries
in multidimensional space |
42 |
Sergei Sidorov, Sergei Mironov and Michael
Pleshakov |
Dual Greedy Algorithm for
Conic Optimization Problem |
43 |
Wei Weng |
Using distributed
intelligent agents for due date assignment |
45 |
Valery Vasilev |
On Strong Accessibility
of the Core of TU Cooperative Game |
46 |
Roman Plotnikov, Adil Erzin and Nenad
Mladenovic |
Variable Neighborhood
Search-Based Heuristics for Min-Power
Symmetric Connectivity Problem in Wireless
Networks |
48 |
Andrei Sushchenko, Tatiana Park, René Pinnau
and Oliver Tse |
Convergence of solutions
of an optimal control problem for SP1 and
Rosseland approximations |
49 |
Anton Eremeev |
50 |
Alexandr Galashov and Alexander Kelmanov |
An Exact Pseudopolynomial
Algorithm for a Problem of Finding a Family
of Disjoint Subsets |
51 |
Alexey Zakharov |
On One Multicriteria
Optimal Control Problem of Economic Growth |
52 |
Vadim I. Shmyrev |
Iterative Approach for
Piecewise Linear Exchange Model |
53 |
Alexander Chebotarev, Andrey Kovtanyuk and
Veronika Pestretsova |
Optimization Iterative
Procedure for Radiative-Conductive Heat
Transfer Model |
54 |
Sergey Lavlinskii |
Partnership Models for the Russian Mineral
Resource Complex |
55 |
Rentsen Enkhbat, Natsagdorj Tungalag,
Aleksander Gornov and Anton Anikin |
The Curvilinear Search
Algorithm for Solving Three-Person Game |
57 |
Yaroslava Katueva and Vladislav Michalishuk |
A modified three-stage
random search algorithms to optimize the
performance reserve, using multi-core
systems |
58 |
Alexander Kelmanov and Anna Motkova |
Fully Polynomial-Time
Approximation Scheme for a Special Case of a
Balanced 2-Clustering Problem |
59 |
Alexander Kelmanov, Ludmila Mikhailova,
Sergey Khamidullin and Vladimir Khandeev |
An approximation
algorithm for a problem of partitioning a
sequence into clusters with restrictions on
their cardinalities |
61 |
Natalia Aizenberg |
Application of Supply
Function Equilibrium Model to describe the
Interaction of Generation Companies on the
Electricity Market |
62 |
Anton Goncharov and Andrey Torgashov |
Application of active set
method for soft sensor model identification
of crude oil distillation process |
63 |
Zabotin, Oksana Shulgina and Rashid Yarullin |
A Minimization Algorithm
with Embedding an Epigraph of the Objective
Function and a Constraint Set |
64 |
Vladimir Beresnev and Andrey Melnikov |
Facility location in
unfair competition |
65 |
Vladimir Beresnev and Andrey Melnikov |
Upper bound for the
competitive facility location problem with
quantile criterion |
66 |
Anton Eremeev and Yulia Kovalenko |
Mixed Integer Programming
Approach to Multiprocessor Job Scheduling
with Setup Times |
68 |
Alexander Semenov and Oleg Zaikin |
On the Accuracy of
Statistical Estimations of SAT Partitionings
Effectiveness in Application to Discrete
Function Inversion Problems |
69 |
Vladimir D. Skarin |
On the Parameter Control
of the Residual Method for the Correction of
Improper Problems of Convex Programming |
71 |
Alexander Chentsov and Alexey Grigoryev |
A scheme of independent
calculations in a precedence constrained
routing problem |
72 |
Kochetov, Artem Panin and Alexander
Plyasunov |
Genetic Local Search for
the Servers Load Balancing Problem |
74 |
Yuriy Kropotov and Aleksey Belov |
Methods assessment the
probability density of discrete signals in
telecommunications |
75 |
Dimitrije Čvokić, Yury Kochetov and
Aleksandr Plyasunov |
A Leader-Follower Hub
Location Problem under Fixed Markups |
76 |
Vladimir Berikov |
Cluster Ensemble with
Averaged Co-Association Matrix Maximizing
the Expected Margin |
78 |
Huai-Che Hong and Bertrand M.T. Lin |
Scheduling with Conflict Graphs to Minimize
the Makespan |
79 |
Victor Il'Ev and Anna Navrotskaya |
A Local Search
k-Approximation for a Graph Clustering
Problem |
82 |
Ruslan Simanchev and Inna Urazova |
On the facets of
combinatorial polytopes |
83 |
Yen-Shing Tsai and Bertrand M.T. Lin |
Packing Problems of Subsets |
84 |
Alexander Chebotarev, Gleb Grenkin and
Andrey Kovtanyuk |
Optimal Control Algorithm
for Complex Heat Transfer Model |
85 |
Andrey Kibzun and Sergey Ivanov |
Convergence of Discrete
Approximations of Stochastic Programming
Problems with Probabilistic Criteria |
86 |
Andre Berger, Alexander Grigoriev, Artem
Panin and Andrej Winokurow |
Location, pricing and the
problem of Apollonius |
88 |
Alexander Bahrushin, Galina Bahrushina,
Ruslan Bazhenov, Kiseon Kim and Rudolf Tsoy |
Robust Image Watermarking
Technique Based on Genetic Algorithm
Optimization and Even Odd Modulation
90 |
Andrey Velichko |
Transportation Modeling for the Far East of
Russia Macro-region |
91 |
Andrey Velichko, Valeriya Gribova and Leonid
Fedorishchev |
Software System for
Interactive Simulation of Interregional
Trade |
92 |
Edward Kh. Gimadi, Alexey Istomin and Oxana
Tsidulko |
On Asymptotically Optimal
Approach for the m-Peripatetic Salesman
Problem on Random Inputs |
93 |
Alexander Kononov
and Irina Lushchakova |
Scheduling of two
parallel machines with linear decreasing
time slot costs to minimize total weighted
completion time |
94 |
Victor Il'Ev, Svetlana Il'Eva and Alexander
Kononov |
Short Survey On
Minimization Graph Correlation Clustering |
95 |
Nina Plyaskina |
Алгоритм реализации сетевой стохастической
модели ресурсного мегапроекта |
96 |
Edward Kh. Gimadi and Ivan A. Rykov |
Efficient randomized
algorithm for a vector subset problem |
98 |
Sergei Mironov, Sergei Sidorov, Alexey
Faizliev and Alexandre Gudkov |
Stochastic Optimal Growth
Model with S-Shaped Utility Function |
99 |
Erohin and V.A. Gorelik |
Optimal Multi-Robot Path
Finding Algorithm Based on A* |
100 |
Alexander Kelmanov, Semyon Romanchenko and
Sergey Khamidullin |
Fully polynomial-time
approximation scheme for a problem of
finding a subsequence |
101 |
Urazova and Ruslan Simanchev |
Separation problem for
k-parashuties |
102 |
Natalia Shamray |
The General Multimodal
Network Equilibrium Problem with Elastic
Balanced Demand |
104 |
Alexander Ageev and Mikhail Ivanov |
Coupled-Task Scheduling Problems with Equal
Exact Delays |
105 |
Michael Khachay and Roman Dubinin |
PTAS for the Euclidean
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem in Rd |
107 |
Alexander Ageev
and Alexei Baburin |
Approximating Two-Machine
Flow Shop Problem with Minimum Delays When
Processing Times Depend Only on Machines |
108 |
Alexander Gasnikov, Evgenia Gasnikova,
Sergey Matsievsky and Inna Usik |
Primal-dual method for
searching equilibrium in hierarchical
congestion population games |
110 |
Anastasiya Ivanova and Alexey Kovalenko |
Modeling of Urban Traffic
Flows Using the Concept of Multilayer Graph
by Methods of Game Theory |
111 |
Konstantin Kudryavtsev, Vladislav Zhukovskiy
and Irina Stabulit |
One Method for
constructing Pareto-optimal Nash
Equilibriums |
112 |
Natalia Grigoreva |
Single Machine Inserted
Idle Time Scheduling with Release Times and
Due Dates |
113 |
Chernykh |
Routing open shop with
unrelated travel times |
114 |
Evgeniya Vorontsova |
Extended Separating Plane
Algorithm and NSO-Solutions of PageRank
Problem |
115 |
Vikhtenko Elina |
Modified Duality Method
for Obstacle Problem |
116 |
Alexander Kononov and Yulia Kovalenko |
On Speed Scaling
Scheduling of Parallel Jobs with Preemption |
117 |
Max Demenkov |
A projection-type
algorithm for linear programming using line
and zonotope intersection |
118 |
Alexander Strekalovskiy |
On Merit and Penalty
Functions for D.C. Optimization |
119 |
Kazakovtsev and Alexander Antamoshkin |
Combinations of the
Greedy Heuristic Method for Clustering
Problems and Local Search Algorithms
120 |
Evgeni Nurminski |
Multiple cuts in
separating plane algorithms |
121 |
Roman Brizitskii and Zhanna Saritskaya |
Optimization in nonlinear
models of mass transfer |
123 |
Chernykh and Ekaterina Lgotina |
The 2-Machine Routing
Open Shop on a Triangular Transportation
Network |
124 |
Cemil Turan and Yedilkhan Amirgaliev |
A Robust Leaky-LMS
Algorithm for Sparse System Identification |
126 |
Bakhbergen Bekbauov, Abdumauvlen Berdyshev
and Zharasbek Baishemirov |
Numerical Simulation of
Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes |
127 |
Gennady Alekseev, Aleksey Lobanov and Yuliya
Spivak |
Optimization and
Discretization in 2D Problems of
Electromagnetic Invisible Cloaking |
128 |
Natalia Bakhtadze, Ekaterina Sakrutina and
Evgeny Maximov |
Predictive Model’s
Development Based on the Wavelet Analysis
Technique |
129 |
Anton Kolosnitcyn |
Modified Simplex
Imbeddings Method in Particular Cases of
Convex Non-differentiable Optimization |
132 |
Alexander Kolokolov, Alexandra Artemova,
Alexander Adelshin and Irina Kan |
Discrete Optimization
Models for Solving Complex Products Design
Problems |
133 |
Hakan Kutucu, Arif Gursoy, Mehmet Kurt and
Urfat Nuriyev |
The Band Collocation
Problem: A Library of Problems and A
Metaheuristic Approach |
134 |
Victor Gorelik and Tatiana Zolotova |
On the Equivalence of
Optimality Principles in the Two-Criteria
Problem of the Investment Portfolio Choice |
136 |
Van Bevern, Robert Bredereck, Laurent
Bulteau, Christian Komusiewicz, Nimrod
Talmon and Gerhard J. Woeginger |
scheduling problems parameterized by partial
order width |
137 |
Elnur Nuri, Fidan Nuriyeva and Efendi
Nasiboglu |
A Fuzzy Model of the
Problem of Optimal Placement and Integration
of Oshore Oil and Gas Platforms |
138 |
Po-An Chen |
Generalized Mirror
Descents with Non-Convex Potential Functions
in Atomic Congestion Games |
140 |
Aleksey Glebov - Speaker and Anastasiya
Gordeeva |
An Algorithm with
Approximation Ratio 5/6 for the Metric
Maximum m-PSP |
141 |
Bykadorov, Andrea Ellero, Stefania Funari,
Sergey Kokovin and Marina Pudova |
Chain store against
manufacturers: regulation can mitigate
market distortion |
142 |
Svetlana Gakh |
Dual Model of Power
Market with Generation and Line Capacity
Expansion |
144 |
Edward Gimadi, Evgenii Goncharov and
Valentin Leonov |
On formulation and
software implementation of some financial
management and barter transactions problems |
145 |
Edward Kh. Gimadi, Elena A. Nagornaya and
Anna A. Kurochkina |
Probabilistic analysis of
the algorithm for solving facility location
problem on unbounded above random instances |
146 |
Davydov, Marceau Coupechoux and Stefano
Iellamo |
Tabu search approach for
the bi-level competitive base station
location problem |
147 |
Ning-Yao Pai and Yung-Ming Li |
Quality and Entry
Deterrence on Two-sided Market Platform |
148 |
Rashid Yarullin |
A Variant of the
Multi-Step Bundle Method |
150 |
Deniz Tanir, Onur
Ugurlu, Asli Guler and Urfat Nuriyev |
One-dimensional Cutting
Stock Problem with Divisible Items |
151 |
Sergey Ivanov and Vera Korbulakova |
Bilevel Programming
Problem with Quantile Follower's Objective
Function |
152 |
Tatyana Levanova and Alexander Gnusarev |
Variable Neighborhood
Search Approach for the Location and Design
Problem |
153 |
Dmitry Tereshko |
Discrete Optimization of
Unsteady Fluid Flows |
154 |
Edward Kh.
Gimadi, Alexey Istomin and Ekaterina
Shin |
On algorithm for the
minimum spanning trees problem with diameter
bounded below |
155 |
Tatyana Makarovskikh and Anatoly Panyukov |
$AOE$-Trails Constructing
for a Plane Connected 4-Regular Graph |
156 |
Khamisov |
Explicit univariate
global optimization with piecewise linear
support functions |
157 |
Alexey Chernov, Pavel Dvurechensky and
Alexender Gasnikov |
Fast Primal-Dual Gradient
Method for Strongly Convex Minimization
Problems with Linear Constraints |
158 |
Kobylkin |
Computational complexity
of guarding of proximity graphs |
160 |
Michael Khachay and Katherine Neznakhina |
Approximation Algorithms
for Generalized TSP in Grid Clusters |
162 |
Dmitry Mokeev |
$P_q$-K\"onig extended
forests and cycles |
164 |
Minarchenko |
Search of Nash
Equilibrium in Quadratic n-person Game |
166 |
Vladimir Erohin, Alexander Krasnikov and
Mikhail Khvostov |
Matrix correction of dual
pair of linear programming problems, minimal
on Euclidean norm |
167 |
Nalan Bastürk, Alexander Grigoriev and
Andrey Kateshov |
HITS algorithm: practical
ranking stability |
169 |
Anna A.
Kurochkina |
On m-clustering problem
on the line |
171 |
Vasilyev, Pasquale Avella, Maurizio Boccia
and Carlo Mannino |
Valid inequalities for
time-indexed formulations of the Runway
Scheduling Problem |
172 |
Dresvyanskaya |
An investigation of a
bilevel energy market model |
173 |
Kononov, Polina Kononova and
Alexander Gordeev |
Optima Localization in
Scheduling Multi-Processor Jobs |
175 |
Brimberg, Nenad Mladenovic, Raca Todosijevic
and Dragan Urosevic |
Variable Neighborhood
Descent for the Capacitated Clustering
Problem |
176 |
Fen Chen, Hsin-Ginn Hwang, Ming-Ling Sher
and Hui-Ting Lin |
An Empirical Study of
Concern for Privacy on Providing Health
Information in the EMR Context |
178 |
Alexander Ageev |
Approximations for Cycle Cover Problems |
179 |
Valeriy Kalyagin, Alexander Koldanov and
Petr Koldanov |
Robust identification of
subgraphs in a complete weighted graph
associated with a set of random variables |
180 |
Irina Utkina, Mikhail Batsyn and Ekaterina
Batsyna |
A branch and bound
algorithm for a fractional 0-1 programming
problem |
181 |
Elena Mokritskaya |
Optimizing the properties
of tool materials by means of the
mathematical modeling of their fracture
processes |