Geometry & Applications

                      FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

                  The Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
     of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
                    and Novosibirsk State University

                         the Conference

                   "GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS"

                      2000, March 13--16
                   Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok

          devoted to the 70th anniversary of the birthday of

                   Victor Andreevich TOPONOGOV

    The conference is partially supported by the Russian Foundation for
    Basic Research and by the European Mathematical Society.

     Program Committee:

    Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Chair; Novosibirsk; Russia);
    A.A.Borisenko (Khar'kov; Ukraine);
    Yu.D.Burago (St.Petersburg; Russia);
    V.M.Gol'dshtein (Beer-Sheva; Israel);
    M.L.Gromov (Paris; France);
    I.G.Nikolaev (Urbana-Champaign; USA);
    S.P.Novikov (Maryland/Moscow; USA/Russia);
    A.V.Pogorelov (Khar'kov; Ukraine);
    I.Kh.Sabitov (Moscow; Russia).

     Organizing Committee:

    V.V.Vershinin (Chair), V.A.Alexandrov, S.I.Fadeev, A.S.Romanov,
    V.A.Sharafutdinov, I.A.Taimanov, S.A.Treskov, E.P.Volokitin

We would like to invite you to participate in the Conference which
will take place on March 13-16, 2000 in Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok,


We are planning 4 sections:

1. Geometry (Head V.A.Sharafutdinov)
2. Geometrical Questions of Analysis (Head S.K.Vodop'ianov)
3. Topology (Head S.V.Matveev)
4. Applications (Head E.P.Volokitin)

In the work of the section "Geometry" special attention will be given to
the topic "Global Riemannian Geometry". V.A.Alexandrov and I.Kh.Sabitov
are organizing the subsection "Flexible Polyhedra, Frameworks and

In the section "Applications" the main directions are the
"Dynamical Systems" and "Mathematical Methods of Chemistry".

Among those who had already expressed their interest in participating the
conference are:

Wilhelm P. A. Klingenberg (Bonn),
Karsten Grove (College Park, USA),
Wolfgang Meyer (Muenster)
Sergey Buyalo (St. Petersburg),
Evgenii D. Rodionov (Barnaul),
Victor Slavskii (Barnaul),
Hellmuth Stachel (Vienna),
Harold Rosenberg (Paris),
Gerard Laman (Amsterdam),
Victor S. Kulikov (Moscow),
Nikolay Dolbilin (Moscow),
Sergey Klimentov (Rostov-on-Don),
Pavel Markov (Rostov-on-Don),
Sergey Vodop'yanov (Novosibirsk),
Semen S. Kutateladze (Novosibirsk),
Vladimir I. Kuz'minov (Novosibirsk),
Igor' A. Shvedov (Novosibirsk),
Sergei V. Matveev (Chelyabinsk),
Yulij S. Il'yashenko (Moscow),
Anatoly M. Vershik (St. Petersburg),
Vladimir Tkachev (Volgograd),
Valerii Stepanov (Khabarovsk).


The Conference will take place at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
located at Akademgorodok (Academic Town) which is a small (approximately
100 hundreds of citizens) town located 25 kilometers south from the city
of Novosibirsk. In Akademgorodok, there are about 35 research institutes
of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the main campus of the Novosibirsk
State University. This is a very special place in Russia in many respects,
among them we can mention the high concentration of intellectuals and the
lowest criminal level.


Necessary forms are given at the end of the announcement.
We will be very appreciated if you register before 31 of January
Conference fee is 75 $, for exUSSR citizens 100 Rubles. For students
(post graduate also) the fee is equal to 50 % of these amounts.


Two or three grants for young mathematicians from Middle and Eastern
Europe (NOT Russia) to cover travel expenses can be given by European
Mathematical Society. We invite young mathematicians to send their
applications to the Organizing Committee by e-mail, fax or regular mail
before January 31, 2000. In the application, please, give the abstract
of your talk and indicate your affiliation and the age (indicating of
age is the request of EMS).


Direct international flights to Novosibirsk are offered by "Lufthanza"
from Frankfurt-on-Main and by Russian carrier "Sibir" from
Frankfurt-on-Main, Hannover, Istanbul, and Peking. However those flights
are carried out not every day and a lot of people find it more convenient
to reach Moscow first and then take a domestic flight to Novosibirsk.
Three Russian air carries offer every day flights from Moscow to
Novosibirsk which are carried out on "Ilyushin-86" and "Boing-737" jets.
Much more non every day flights are also available.

The Organizing Committee is going to arrange things in such a way
that somebody help foreign participants to make transfer in Moscow.


We are going to meet participants in the Novosibirsk airport at
March 12, 2000 and, if requested, at March 13.


The is only one hotel in Akademgorodok. It's name is "Zolotaya Dolina"
("Golden Valley"). It takes 10 minutes walk to reach the hotel from
the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. The following apartments are
available on the following prices:

1) two-room apartment (with one big bed for one person or a married
couple) for 40 $ per night;

2) one-room apartment (with one bed for one person) for 20 $ ;

3) one-room apartment (with one bed for one person) for 15 $.

4) one-room apartment (with two beds for two persons) for 20 $
per night (if shared, each person pays 10 $).

Each apartment is equipped with a telephone, TV set, refrigerator, and
shower. The two-room apartments are additionally equipped with a

5) Low-price student-level accommodation will be available at dormitories
of the Novosibirsk State University (a room is shared by three persons).
Price is 80 Rubles per night.

All the above mentioned prices are subject to change.

Please, inform the Organizing Committee about your choice before
February 20, 2000, and the room requested will be reserved for you by the
Organizing Committee.


There are three banks and exchange offices located in 10-15 minutes walk
from "Zolotaya Dolina" hotel or from the Institute of Mathematics.
U.S.A dollars banknotes and German marks banknotes may be changed into
Rubles and back without limitation of the amount and time.

We recommend you to have your money either in U.S.A. dollars or in
German marks.

Travels Checks, Visa card, Mastercard, and Eurocard are acceptable
by local banks.


The Local Organizing Committee is going to provide a visa support for
participants of the conference and accompanying persons. To get started,
we need the information from you (see below) before January 31, 2000.


The Organizing Committee is going to publish a booklet with abstracts
before the conference.
Please, submit your abstract (up to one page) as a LaTeX file
simultaneously to
and by e-mail to


Registration - January 31, 2000.
Abstract submission - February 20, 2000.
Hotel reservation - February 20, 2000.
Visa support - January 31, 2000.


The local weather service provides us with the following information
about the weather in Novosibirsk during the second ten-day period of
March. These are average results for the last 100 years:

Average temperature is minus 9.8 Celsius degrees.
Average precipitation is 6 mm per day.
Average amount of days without precipitation is 3%.

Hence, it is not very cold, slightly snowing, cloudy, and thus day and
night temperatures differ not very much (5-10 Celsius degrees).


The homepage of the conference is:

Use the following addresses to forward your questions, requests and
information to the Organizing Committee:

Fax:                   +7(3832)332598 (indicate "to the conference
                       `Geometry and Applications'")

  We hope to hear from you soon.

  Organizing Committee

    Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok.

x--- cut here ------------------------------------------------------
             Registration form for participation in the conference


                      2000, March 13--16
                   Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok

Family name (as in passport):
First name(s) (as in passport):
Address for correspondence (postal code inclusive):

I would like to come with accompanying person(s):     yes/no

                 If "yes", please, fill in this registration
                 form the visa form for each accompanying

I need a hotel:                                     yes/no
Type of room:

1) two-room apartment for 40 $ per night         yes/no
2) one-room apartment for 20 $                   yes/no
3) one-room apartment for 15 $                   yes/no
4) one-room apartment for two persons
   (if shared, each person pays 10 $)            yes/no
5) low-price accommodation                       yes/no

I'd like to share my room with
(if you have chosen items 4) or 5) above):

I intend to give a talk:                         yes/no

I need a Russian visa:                           yes/no

                   IMPORTANT for getting a Russian visa:
                   Please, check that your medical insurance
                   is valid in Russia.

                   If you need a visa, please, additionally fill in the
                   following lines. The information below will
                   be used in the official invitation of the
                   Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
                   Sciences which will be send to you and which
                   will help you to get a Russian visa:

Date of birth:
Passport number:
Your route in Russian Federation:
Approximate date of arrival:
Approximate date of departure:

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